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Richard Barrett-Jolley

Professor Richard Barrett-Jolley
BSc (hons) DPhil (Oxon) FHEA FBPhS FPhysiol


I completed my doctorate in neuropharmacology in the Neurosciences Group, University of Oxford. Since then I have specialised in machine learning approaches to cardiovascular physiology, electrophysiology and ion channel function in humans and non-human animals. My research focuses on both experimental and mathematical modelling approaches to understand diseases associated with ageing, especially diseases associated with cardiovascular control. I have particular expertise in autonomic control and heart rate variability (HRV). I now teach these subjects to undergraduate and post-graduate students and conduct research with my active research group. I am on the BBSRC Committee A panel , an Elected Fellow of the British Pharmacology Society, Physiological Society and Senior Tutor in the Veterinary School. Personal Chair in Neuropharmacology 2019.

Prizes or Honours

  • Elected Fellow (Physiological Society, 2017)
  • FBPhS (British Pharmacological Society, 2011)