Photo of Dr Jignasa Mehta

Dr Jignasa Mehta BSc(Hons) Orthoptics, MRes, PhD

Professional Lead-Orthoptics, Senior Lecturer School of Health Sciences


Selected Publications

  1. Visual risk factors for falls in older adults: a case-control study (Journal article - 2022)
  2. The Impact of Preceptorship for Newly Graduated Orthoptists on Clinical Confidence and Attitudes towards Public Health. (Journal article - 2022)
  3. Prevalence of Falls in Patients Presenting to an Ophthalmic Outpatients Department- A Surveillance Study (Journal article - 2021)
  4. Utilising the Orthoptic Skill Set to Improve Access to Eye Care for Adults with Severe/Profound Learning Disabilities–A Service Evaluation (Journal article - 2021)
  5. Long-term access to support for people with sight loss (Journal article - 2011)
  6. Perception of tilt following counter-rotation surgery (Journal article - 2010)
  7. Macular translocation surgery: computer simulation of visual perception (Journal article - 2008)
  8. A pilot study of ocular symptoms experienced by visual display unit users (Journal article - 2007)
  9. 'Macular translocation for a patient with age-related macular degeneration'. (Journal article - 2003)
  10. The impact of smartphone use on accommodative functions: pilot study (Journal article - 2023)