Events Funding

The European Ageing Network is offering the opportunity for researchers to apply for funding to facilitate an event for research and technical staff, including early career researchers in ageing, to strengthen relationships and bring together researchers from across Europe and the UK. We will fund an event, satellite to a conference, or workshop focused on a relevant topic.

Guidance for applications

The awards are of up to £10,000 each (exceptionally £20,000), and are suitable for staff, including PDRAs and technical staff.   The terms of our award mean we are unable to fund students including PhD researchers.  

Applicants can apply for awards of up to £10,000 (exceptionally £20,000) to cover 80% of the cost.  Applicants will be required to contribute 20% to the overall costs of proposed activities. Anticipated costs must be clearly described in the application form and all expenditure must take place before 31 December 2024 with a final report and cost related receipts submitted by 14 February 2025.

Guidance on 80% funding arrangement for research and academic staff in UK-based Higher Education Institutions (HEIs):
This scheme provides funding at 80% in line with standard full economic costing allocations for UKRI funding. The scheme only funds travel and no overheads, in line with the UKRI terms and conditions for our GPA (Global Partnering Award). We suggest applicants in UK HEIs contact their local research office, line manager or Head of Department/School to request the additional 20% from internal ‘QR’ *, overheads or research support funding, making the case for the benefit of the scoping visits for the development of your career, network, research activities and profile.

* Quality-related (QR) funding:

Eligible costs:
National and international travel, subsistence, event management or sub-contracting.
We are unable to fund PhD students within the terms of our grant.

Completion of report by 14 February 2025.

Applicants agree with signature:

  • to notify us if expenditure will be unspent by the deadline
  • to agree to submit the final report and of outcomes along with cost related receipts by 14 February 2025
  • contribute 20% to overall cost of visit
  • to respond to any further requests for information regarding the outcome of funding

To apply please submit this application form  by 4 pm 31 August 2024.

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