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We have a successful track record in developing research that improves patient care and clinical services. In recent years we have secured significant research funding, with over £5.6 million in awards from a range of funders, charities and the University of Liverpool. Additionally, our researchers have published over 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals.


A multi-professional Research & Development Group leads the Palliative Care Unit’s research and innovation activities. The PCU research portfolio is categorised under four themes;

  • Best Care for the Dying Person
  • Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacology
  • Biological, Physiological & Digital Technologies
  • Supportive and Palliative Care



Current national and international collaborative projects that the unit are engaged in include:

Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end (iLIVE)

iLIVE logo


A Collaboratively Developed Culturally Appropriate and Inclusive Assessment Tool for Palliative Care Education (CODE-YAA)

Code YAA Logo


Palliative Care Research Partnership North West Coast (PalCaRe NWC

Palcare NWC logo


International Collaborative for Best Care for the Dying Person.

The PCU is the coordinating centre for the International Collaborative for Best Care for the Dying Person. This is a group of leading thinkers, practitioners, and researchers from 17 countries, united by the common goal of improving care for dying people and their families. Find out about International Collaborative events.


Logo for the international collaborative for best care for the dying person


Selected Publications  

Mason S, Paal P, Elsner F, Payne C, Ling J, Noguera A & Mosoiu D (2020). Palliative care for all: An international health education challenge. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-3. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1478951520000188 

Mosoiu D, Payne S, Predoiu O, Arantzamendi M, Ling J, Tserkezoglou A, Mitrea N, Dionisi M, Martínez M, Mason S, Ancuta C, Centeno C. Core Palliative Care Research Competencies Framework for Palliative Care Clinicians. J Palliat Med. 2023 Nov 20. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2023.0399. Epub ahead of print. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38010819/ 

Mayland CR, Keetharuth AD, Mukuria C, Haugen DF. Validation of 'Care Of the Dying Evaluation' (CODETM) within an international study exploring bereaved relatives' perceptions about quality of care in the last days of life. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2022 Mar 5:S0885-3924(22)00426-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2022.02.340. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35257928.10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2022.02.340 

McGlinchey T, Mason SR, Smeding R, et al. ILIVE Project Volunteer study. Developing international consensus for a European Core Curriculum for hospital end-of-life-care volunteer services, to train volunteers to support patients in the last weeks of life: A Delphi study. Palliative Medicine. October 2021. doi:10.1177/02692163211045305


You can view the full list of publications here 


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