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Education at the Palliative Care Unit

The Palliative Care Unit Learning & Teaching programme is categorised under four themes:

  • The Centre for Communication Skills Education and Training
  • Undergraduate Education
  • Postgraduate Education
  • Educational Projects


The Centre for Communication Skills Education and Training

The Palliative Care Unit has a long-established record of delivering communication skills training at all levels. The Centre for Communication skills Education and Training brings together much of the current teaching provision offered by the PCU to provide a platform for the development and delivery of new concepts within communication skills education, training and research.

The centre currently offers two courses for health care professionals;

  • Advanced Communication Skills Training (ACST)
  • Training for Facilitators

(Click here to find out more about courses and events)

In addition to its core portfolio delivered on-site at the University of Liverpool, the centre also responds to requests for specially-commissioned courses from external organisations. If you are interested in commissioning a communications course for your organisation please contact course administrator Alison Holcroft at Alison.Holcroft@liverpool.ac.uk


Undergraduate Education

The PCU leads palliative care education and student-centred Communication for Clinical Practice (CCP) training within the University of Liverpool’s fourth year MBChB curriculum, working in close collaboration with expert clinicians from local hospices where undergraduate students complete placements with the specialist palliative care teams. More information on the University of Liverpool’s Medicine and Surgery MBChB course can be found here Medicine MBChB.


Postgraduate Education

Masters Programme

The PCU offers a Masters in in Palliative and End of Life Care. The aim of the MSc programme is:

  • To provide clinicians with broad contextual knowledge, and deep understanding and application of principles surrounding the field of Palliative and End of Life Care transplantation.
  • To enable clinicians working in transplantation related disciplines to critically evaluate the theoretical principles that underpin modern clinical practice.
  • To prepare clinicians working in Palliative and End of Life Care to critically evaluate current research and understand how it informs decision making in complex patient management.
  • To enable clinicians working in transplantation to evaluate critically clinical services through and develop new insights informed by current research.
  • To support clinicians in considering the ethical issues within clinical practice,
  • To prepare clinicians with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to develop into, and engage in senior clinical and/or leadership roles within regional, national and international contexts.

You can find out more about this course here.

Training the Teachers

The PCU offers a three day course on modern and effective ways of teaching in palliative care, for healthcare professionals who provide education as part of their role. You can find out more here.





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