Panel 3: 1990 to 1999

A look at the third panel of the PINK BRICK exhibition

Panel 3 1990 to 1999


  • Guild Handbook front cover pictorially showing the Guild campaigns including LGBT, Anti-Fascism and Sexual Health - (1993)
  • Beat the Bigots poster - NUS LGB Age of Consent campaign poster (c. 1994 - 2000)
  • '30 Years Queer' - NUS campaign poster (1999)



  • Anti-discrimination article reporting on the Guild Council passing a comprehensive policy on HIV/AIDS and the Council passing a motion banning the armed forces from recruiting on campus - Guild Gazette (13 March 1992)
  • Speak Out article reporting on the Annual General Meeting where a motion to ban the armed forces from recruiting at  the Freshers' Fair failed - Guild Gazette (15 May 1992)
  • Students elect gay leader article reporting that the NUS elected its first openly gay President, Stephen Twigg - The Guardian (4 April 1990)
  • Medics and LGBT clash at Guild article reporting on a LGB protest against the Medical Society’s ‘Smoker’ concert for being misogynist and homophobic - Guild Gazette
  • Personal Recollections by Paul Amann


  • 1991: November – The Guild establishes a HIV Working Group
  • 1992: February – The Guild of Students approved its first Policy on HIV/AIDS. It also approved a boycott of the Armed Forces from using Guild facilities. The boycott is later overturned by the Annual General Meeting.
  • 1993: February – Paul Amann launches an awareness campaign about the inequality in the age of consent
  • 1994: February – Parliament voted to reduce the age of consent from 21 to 18. There is still a 2 year difference between gay and straight people.
  • 1999: The government lifts the bans on gay people serving in the Military. June – The LGB Committee becomes the LGBT Committee

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