Panel 2: 1980 to 1989

A look at the second panel of the PINK BRICK exhibition

Panel 2 1980 to 1989





  • 1980: Homosexuality is legalised in Scotland.
  • 1981: June - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is identified and reported for the first time. The HIV Virus is identified in 1983.
  • 1982: Homosexuality is legalised in Northern Ireland.
  • 1984-6: GaySoc changes its name to the Lesbian & Gay Society  
  • 1988: April – The NUS National Conference passes policy calling for defiance “even in the face of legal action” against Clause 28 (to be Section 28). May - The Government approves Section 28 of the Local Government Act, banning the ‘promotion of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship’ in maintained schools. It results in the foundation of Stonewall. December - The first World Aids Day is held.

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