Panel 1: 1967 to 1979

A look at the first panel of the PINK BRICK exhibition

Panel 1 1967 to 1979

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  • The rainbow flag was popularised as a symbol of LGBT+ pride by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker in 1978. Originally created with eight colours, pink and turquoise were removed for production purposes and as of 1979, it consisted of six colored stripes.
  • Aside from the obvious symbolism of a mixed LGBT+ community, the colours were designed to symbolize: red (life), orange (healing), yellow (sunlight), green (nature), blue (harmony), and purple/violet (spirit).

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  • Selection of pictures of Peter Rimmer and Martin Ross. The majority of the pictures were taken at 164 Prince’s Road - (1975 and 1976)
  • The house in the picture (top centre) is of 17 Green Hey’s road which at the time was predominantly a gay house hold and acted as the unofficial head quarters of the Gay Society. The house’s phone number was the one include on GaySoc publicity at this time.




  • 1967: Homosexuality between men age 21 years or over is decriminalised in England and Wales.
  • 1972: May - The Homophile Society is officially established after the society application is approved by the Guild Council.
  • 1973: April - The National Union of Students adopts its first comprehensive motion of Gay Rights. October - The National Union of Students holds its first ever Gay Rights Conference at Bristol University.
  • 1974: November – the Homophile Society officially changes its name to GaySoc.
  • 1976: May – The NUS organise a national Gay Week of Action.

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