Theme 5: Management Research
The very management of the Centre will be an object of research led by team members from the University of Liverpool Management School ULMS), who will build case studies on the development and management of this interdisciplinary centre.
The initial engagement between the Management School researchers and the LRC will be with early career researchers, and will seek to explore the challenges of collaboration within multidisciplinary teams, whilst at the same time, building an academic career.
This development activity will be delivered through an “action learning” approach aimed to help equip individuals with the knowledge, skills and confidence about interdisciplinary research in their professional lives. The action learning method combines the ‘testing’ of new collaborative arrangements within their own research projects, with an evaluation on their effectiveness through reflective discussion with a group of peers.
Each individual will already have their own experience and will be introduced to new research management practices. The action learning groups will provide an opportunity to share and reflect upon what they have learnt.