The rules only apply to qualifying acquisitions. These are referred to as trigger events in the National Security and Investment Act.
Your acquisition is a qualifying acquisition if all of the following apply:
- the acquisition is of a right or interest in, or in relation to, a qualifying asset or qualifying entity
- the entity or asset you are acquiring is from, in, or has a connection to the UK
- the level of control you acquire over the qualifying entity or qualifying asset meets or passes a certain threshold, these thresholds are:
- your shareholding stake or voting rights in a qualifying entity meets or crosses certain percentage thresholds (for example, it becomes higher than 25%)
- you acquire voting rights in a qualifying entity that allow you to pass or block resolutions governing the affairs of the entity
- you are able to materially influence the policy of a qualifying entity, for example by acquiring the right to appoint members of the board of the entity
- you are able to use a qualifying asset, or you are able to direct or control its use, or you are able to do so more than you could prior to the acquisition
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