Senior staff expenses

The University publishes expenses of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

We publish costs for activities incurred by the Senior Leadership Team in their managerial roles. Staff have different roles and functions. Some roles are focussed mostly within the University, while others are required to engage more widely beyond the University, or the UK. This is reflected in the expenditure published.

Expenditure is published quarterly in line with our financial year, which starts on 1 August and runs to 31 July.

The amount shown is the net charge to the University. It excludes reimbursements made by the Vice-Chancellor to the University for any personal expenditure (for example, personal items included in hotel bills) and reimbursements from third parties.

Current financial year (2024-25)

Expenditure incurred is updated on a quarterly basis.

Previous financial years

Page updated: 21 February 2025

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