Freedom of Information (FOI) Statistics

The number of requests we've handled and how we responded.

2024-25 academic year

The number of requests received: 257
The number of requests processed: 231
The timeliness of the response: 201 responses were completed by the statutory deadline.
The number of requests where the information was provided in full: 86
The number of requests where the information was provided in part: 73
The number of requests where the information was not held or fully withheld due to an exemption: 59
The number of requests withdrawn or invalid: 13
The number of internal reviews: 1 (Decision overruled)

Exemptions used in 2024-25
We aim to be as open and transparent as possible about the work we do. There are times when it isn’t appropriate for us to share the information. If this is the case, we may apply an exemption. The Freedom of Information Act contains several exemptions that allow organisations to withhold information from a requester. In some circumstances, we will apply an exemption to part of a request or sometimes we may apply an exemption to the whole of a request. In some cases, it allows organisations to refuse to confirm or deny whether they hold information.

s12. Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit: 12
s14. Vexatious or repeated request: 12
s21. Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means: 21
s22. Information intended for future publication: 1
s31. Law enforcement: 5
s40. Personal information: 27
s41. Information provided in confidence: 5
s43. Commercial Interests: 33
Other exemptions: 1

Statistics from previous years

2023-24 academic year

The number of requests received: 523
The number of requests processed: 495
The timeliness of the response: 439 responses were completed by the statutory deadline.
The number of requests where the information was provided in full: 207
The number of requests where the information was provided in part: 142
The number of requests where the information was not held or fully withheld due to an exemption: 146
The number of requests withdrawn or invalid: 28
The number of internal reviews: 29 (12 decisions upheld, 4 decisions partially upheld, 12 decisions overruled; 1 active)
ICO: One decision notice received - Decision Notice: IC-307395-F6G6

Exemptions used in 2023-24
s12. Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit: 33
s14. Vexatious or repeated request: 38
s21. Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means: 11
s22. Information intended for future publication: 2
s31. Law enforcement: 1
s40. Personal information: 67
s41. Information provided in confidence: 4
s43. Commercial Interests: 40
Other exemptions: 0

2022-23 academic year

The number of requests received: 515
The number of requests processed: 494
The timeliness of the response: 453 responses were completed by the statutory deadline.
The number of requests where the information was provided in full: 234
The number of requests where the information was provided in part: 148
The number of requests where the information was not held or fully withheld due to an exemption: 112
The number of requests withdrawn or invalid: 21
The number of internal reviews: 8 (4 decisions upheld, 2 decisions partially upheld, 2 decisions overruled)
ICO: One decision notice received - Decision notice: IC-216597-F2F8 

Exemptions used in 2022-23

s12. Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit: 23
s14. Vexatious or repeated request: 29
s21. Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means: 15
s22. Information intended for future publication: 8
s31. Law enforcement: 5
s40. Personal information: 62
s41. Information provided in confidence: 1
s43. Commercial Interests: 24
Other exemptions: 1

2021-22 academic year

The number of requests received: 484
The number of requests processed: 466
The timeliness of the response: 411 responses were completed by the statutory deadline.
The number of requests where the information was provided in full: 205
The number of requests where the information was provided in part: 158
The number of requests where the information was not held or fully withheld due to an exemption: 103
The number of requests withdrawn or invalid: 18
The number of internal reviews: 16 (10 decisions upheld, 2 decisions partially upheld, 4 decisions overruled)
ICO: One decision notice received – Decision Notice: IC-152157-R6B1

Exemptions used in 2021-22

s12. Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit: 20
s14. Vexatious or repeated request: 14
s21. Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means: 16
s22. Information intended for future publication: 1
s31. Law enforcement: 2
s40. Personal information: 56
s41. Information provided in confidence: 2
s43. Commercial Interests: 30
Other exemptions: 3

2020-21 academic year

The number of requests received: 595
The number of requests processed: 466
The timeliness of the response: 461 responses were completed by the statutory deadline.
The number of requests where the information was provided in full: 208
The number of requests where the information was provided in part: 255
The number of requests where the information was not held or fully withheld due to an exemption: 86
The number of requests withdrawn or invalid: 46
The number of internal reviews: 14 (9 decisions upheld, 2 decisions partially upheld, 3 decisions overruled)

Exemptions used in 2020-21

s12. Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit: 15
s14. Vexatious or repeated request: 11
s21. Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means: 27
s22. Information intended for future publication: 4
s31. Law enforcement: 5
s40. Personal information: 75
s41. Information provided in confidence: 11
s43. Commercial Interests: 63
Other exemptions: 5
ICO: One decision notice received: Decision notice: IC-114115-G9D0 .

2019-20 academic year

The number of requests received: 544
The number of requests processed: 514
The timeliness of the response: 446 responses were completed by the statutory deadline.
The number of requests where the information was provided in full: 269
The number of requests where the information was provided in part: 167
The number of requests where the information was not held or fully withheld due to an exemption: 78
The number of requests withdrawn or invalid: 30
The number of internal reviews: 15 (7 decisions upheld, 4 decisions partially upheld, 4 decisions overruled)
ICO: One decision notice received - Decision Notice: IC-49746-T1B7.

Exemptions used in 2019-20

s12. Exemption where cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit: 15
s14. Vexatious or repeated request: 1
s21. Information reasonably accessible to the applicant by other means: 8
s22. Information intended for future publication: 1
s31. Law enforcement: 7
s40. Personal information: 66
s41. Information provided in confidence: 13
s43. Commercial Interests: 24
Other exemptions: 4

Page updated: 4 February 2025

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