Visitors to the University

Export Control legislation applies to visitors to the UK and the University.

If you invite, or are asked to host, visitors to the University care should be given with regards to levels of access those visitors have to University services and in particular Items that are controlled by UK Export Control legislation. A visitor could be an academic collaborator from an overseas institution, researcher, student from an overseas insitution, delegation from a potential or actual collaborator/funder or any other person/entity who will visit the University for any length of time.

Consideration should be given to who the visitor is, from which country, what their purpose is of visiting the University and what you will need to share or give access to whilst they are visiting. Care should be given to ensure no controlled Items are shared with the visitor without intention to. Therefore when giving tours of physical buildings, equipment etc or showing and discussing technical information/knowledge/documents then no controlled Goods/Technology is shared unless there is an explicit intention to. If in doubt, do not share. 

If you plan to share controlled Goods or Technology (information/know-how) with a visitor you must ensure they are made aware that if they intend to take the controlled Items out of the UK, it is their responsibility to apply for an export licence, in advance of their visit to the University.  If you are not confident the visitor has been given the relevant licence the Goods or Technology should not be shared with them. If you will continue collaborating with the visitor when they return overseas and will share controlled Items (via email, video conferences and telephone calls) an export licence must be obtained prior to exporting the Items. Please complete the Export Control Query form to start the application proceedure. Do not share any controlled Items until a licence is in place. 

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