Corporate Events Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out how we use your personal data and your rights regarding that information.

Who will own my data once I submit it?

The University of Liverpool.

Why do you need my information?

We will use the information you provide in order to make necessary arrangements for an event. This may include: creating a guest list, creating a seating plan, allocating ticket(s), creating place cards/ name badges, facilitating dietary or access requirements, making other bespoke arrangements/ event collateral as appropriate, sharing pre-submitted questions with a speaker or event host. We may also contact you after an event to seek feedback and to make you aware of similar relevant University activity.

What allows you to use my information?

By providing your information, you understand that the University is using your data in its legitimate interests for the purposes of the event as listed above. You have the right to withdraw your data at any time. Please email us at or  as appropriate.

Who will my information be shared with?

Information will be shared only as required with staff working to prepare for and/or deliver the event. In some cases, this may include external suppliers (e.g. caterers who will need to identify guests with specific dietary requirements). We may use approved external booking systems to process bookings for events, this will be clear to users at the time of booking.

Do I have to provide this information and what will happend if I don't?

We require your data in order to process your application and attendance at the event. Without this data, we cannot do this and provide your place.

How long will you keep this data for and why?

We will keep your data for up to three years from the event date in order to facilitate follow up communications relating to the event e.g. publication of event (speaker) recordings, or surveys which will help inform the development of our events programme.

How will my information be stored?

The data will be stored securely on University systems.

Will this information be used to take automated decisions about me?


Will my data be transferred abroad and why?


What rights do I have when it comes to my data?

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation, you may have the following rights with regards to your personal data:

  • The Right to subject access – you have the right to see a copy of the personal data that the University holds about you and find out what it is used for.
  • The Right to rectification – you have the right to ask the University to correct or remove any inaccurate data that we hold about you.
  • The Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) you have the right to ask the University to remove data that we hold about you.
  • The Right to restriction – you have the right to ask for your information to be restricted (locked down) on University systems.
  • The Right to data portability – you have the right to ask for your data to be transferred back to you or to a new provider at your request.
  • The Right to object – you have the right to ask the University to stop using your personal data or to stop sending you marketing information, or complain about how your data is used.
  • The Right to prevent automated decision making – you have the right to ask the University to stop using your data to make automated decisions about you or to stop profiling your behaviour (where applicable).

Please note that not all rights apply in all situations. To find out more about your rights under the UK GDPR, please visit the Information Commissioner’s website.

To request a copy of your data or ask questions about how it is used, contact the University Data Protection Officer.

  • Email:
  • Post: Legal & Governance, University of Liverpool, Foundation Building, 765 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 7ZX

Who can I complain to if I am unhappy about how my data is used?

You can complain directly to the University’s Data Protection Team by writing to the Data Protection Officer

  • By email:
  • Post: Legal & Governance, University of Liverpool, Foundation Building, 765 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 7ZX

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office using the following details:

  • The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
  • Telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45
  • Website:

Version: August 2023
Last update: 15 August 2023

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