Monash University, Australia
Molly is a Law with a Year Abroad student who travelled to Melbourne, Australia to spend a year of her studies at Monash University.
What made you decide to study at Monash?
Firstly, I decided to study at Monash due to the array of extremely interesting and niche law modules Monash Law School offered. I was able to embark on modules that were not offered here at Liverpool or at the other Universities in Australia. ‘Animal Law’ and ‘Law and Feminism’ are some of the unique options on offer. For me, being able to learn about areas of law I had not previously considered was definitely a perk of studying at Monash. Secondly, I knew that studying at Monash would stretch me academically. Due to the fact that embarking on a year abroad at Monash required a first-class to be achieved throughout my second-year study at Liverpool, I knew that studying at Monash was going to further my academic abilities. This held true. The study style at Monash is more of a ‘flipped classroom’ style for many modules, enabling debate and discussion to run continuously throughout the module. Being thrown into this style of study was challenging however the hard work paid off as I achieved some of the best grades in my academic career so far – including a 96%. I believe that knowing I needed to work hard before I even arrived in Australia prepared me for my year abroad and made me realise how much I love testing and amplifying my knowledge. Of course, I also wanted to study at Monash because it is in a really cool city (Melbourne) in a beautifully hot country… who doesn’t love revising lay on a beach catching a tan!
What did you enjoy most about studying at Monash?
One of the most enjoyable things about studying at Monash was the placement module. I was able to embark on some extremely valuable work experience whilst studying at Monash which ultimately looks fantastic on my CV! I worked at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for a period of 6 weeks learning about the protection of human rights in Victoria. Seeing Australian Law applied in practice was fascinating, especially when comparing it to the English legal system. What was even more exciting about the placement module was that it facilitated further work with a practicing Australian Barrister. That is, upon completing the module I was able to shadow a fantastic Barrister practicing in Victoria for the entirety of my second semester. I researched and prepared arguments with my Barrister, helping out in real-life cases… and I even got paid!
Not only does Monash offer fantastic study opportunities, however living on campus for the first semester also enabled me to meet like-minded people. I was able to meet other year abroad students from other Universities in the UK, as well as Australians and other international students living in Melbourne. It is safe to say that I honestly met some of my best friends whilst stopping on campus, ultimately enabling me to move into a house with my Australian friends for the second semester. I now have friends all over the globe and am extremely excited about future trips to see all of my international buddies.
What would you say to someone to encourage them to choose Monash as their Year Abroad option?
If you want a stretching but rewarding year abroad, I would 100% recommend studying at Monash. I believe studying at Monash and achieving what I did really boosted my confidence within my law degree. The other students are supportive, motivated and confident and I believe this enhanced my own academic ability. It made me realise that I am capable of achieving the best grades and stretching out of my comfort zone to achieve something new. Further, Monash itself is a beautiful University, spread over two campuses and not too far from Melbourne CBD. The Study Abroad team are extremely helpful, and the University has lots going on to keep you entertained and exploring whilst on your year abroad!

Seeing Australian law in practice was fascinating, and the placement module was even more exciting as it led to further work with a practicing Australian barrister.