University website
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
University information
Pompeu Fabra is one of two Spanish-Catalan universities to be ranked in the Times top 200 worldwide universities. It was founded in 1990 and has a student enrolment of 12,500 students enrolled on undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The university is specialized in the fields of social sciences and humanities, health and life sciences and communication and information technologies.
Summary table
Minimum Academic Average needed for Year Abroad | 60% |
Number of places open for semester abroad | N/A |
Number of places open for year abroad | 2 |
Number of places open for summer abroad | N/A |
Semester Abroad only: Do UK Students Need a Visa? | Yes |
Total estimated cost per semester in local currency (check for current exchange rates) |
6000 EUR per semester |
City type | Very large city (1m+) |
Campus Type(s) | Urban |
Where do exchange students normally live? | Private off-campus accommodation |
Are exchange students guaranteed a place in University halls of residence? | No |
Which UoL semester would a student normally spend at this partner? | Full academic year |
Term Dates |
Semester 1: September to December Semester 2: January to May |
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