Learning and Teaching Support Officers
Pastoral support for students is provided at both School and University level. Within the School, the Learning and Teaching Support Officers should be a student’s first point of contact if they are seriously struggling with any aspect of University life.
Academic Advisers
Every student will be allocated an Academic Adviser who provides appropriate support to help students fulfil their academic potential during the course of their studies. Your Academic Advisor will meet you when you begin your studies in the Law School and you can make appointments to meet with him or her throughout the course of your programme to discuss your progress.
Your Academic Advisor will write your reference for employment/further study in your final year, so it is essential that you enable him or her to get to know you over the course of your studies by arranging to meet regularly.
Student representation within the School - Staff Student Liason Committees
The School tries to be as open as possible in the way it runs, and students are encouraged to make their views heard. This is not to say every opinion will be acted upon because ultimately academic staff are responsible for using their judgement about how their subject should be taught and assessed. But student opinion will always be listened to and seriously considered. To facilitate this, staff/student liaison committees are run across the School usually once per semester.
All students (undergraduate and postgraduate, including joint and combined honours students, both full- and part-time taking modules in the School) are invited to stand for election on the appropriate committee and are provided with training and support from the Guild of Students.
Staff/student liaison committees are formal but friendly forums for students to raise issues of general concern about their studies; they cannot deal with matters of an individual or personal nature. They may also be used to consult with students on policy changes, curriculum development, assessment, feedback, etc. If you are interested in becoming a student representative please contact the School Support Centre. Elections (where required) are normally held at the start of the academic session and students may serve as representatives for one year or throughout their studies if they wish.
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