Careers and employability
The School of Law and Justice Employability Team will support you with your employability and extra-curricular needs, including placements, professional mentoring and employability-focused activities.
Extra-curricular activities
At the Liverpool Law School, we offer a variety of extra-curricular opportunities which will develop your skills and knowledge, provide you with valuable experience and enhance your CV.
We encourage all students to take advantage of the variety of career-focused activities that take place throughout the year. The University's Careers and Employability Team and the School of Law and Social Justice Employability Team are available to provide students with career support and guidance throughout your studies.
Placements and volunteering
In addition to the placement opportunities available through the University careers service, the School of Law and Social Justice offers a number of exciting placement opportunities with international legal firms and companies, providing the chance to experience the legal environment by shadowing in-house lawyers.
You can also complete placements with local law firms and, through our Streetlaw project, take on voluntary legal projects for community organisations.
Peer Mentoring
We run a Peer Mentoring scheme for the new intake of students (‘Mentees’) each academic year (starting in September). We will have, by this point, a number of continuing students (mainly second-year but some third-year) who have volunteered to act as ‘Mentors’ to the new intake of student Mentees. The School Office will have allocated to you a student Mentor prior to your arrival and will indicate a specific time in Welcome Week for you to meet.
What is Peer Mentoring?
Mentoring aims to build up the confidence of the Mentee and encourage independence. The role of the mentor is not to counsel a mentee, nor is it to coach them. The role is to act as a facilitator of knowledge about the course and the university, perhaps even the city of Liverpool and local resources (doctors, shops, clubs etc). Information about important local resources such as health care is included below.
The role of the Peer Mentor is to offer practical help and advice, perhaps answering such questions as ‘where is the nearest launderette/doctor?’ to ‘what do I do if I want to change a module?’
How Peer Mentoring Works in Practice
Peer Mentors receive general training on a range of issues. It is important that you remember that Mentors are not expected to take the place of professional staff (both academic & administrative). There will always be someone available to help and support you. The Peer Mentoring relationship lasts only as long as you, the Mentee, feel it is helpful. There is also no set time commitment – typically Mentors and Mentees meet every two weeks for the first semester. This may or may not continue into the second semester. The meeting does not have to be formal – a 15-minute chat over a cup of coffee may be all that is needed.
Email the Student Support Team for more information.
Professional Mentoring
The Liverpool Law School has a successful Professional Mentoring Scheme. The Mentoring Scheme aims to help equip you with practical advice and relevant experience and skills appropriate for a demanding and competitive marketplace. The Mentors comprise members from the legal profession and related professions, including some from business for students interested in business careers. The School Careers and Employability Director and Student Experience team oversee the running and administration of the Professional Mentoring Scheme. The scheme is currently open to second-year and final-year direct entry students who have achieved good average first-year marks and have a good attendance record. Many students have gained valuable advice and sometimes work placements from mentors who are solicitors, barristers, legal advisers or other related professionals. Some have gained employment indirectly out of the scheme.
Professional Mentoring vs Peer Mentoring
Professional Mentoring is the scheme by which you are paired with a solicitor or barrister from outside of the University for professional guidance for your future career.
Peer Mentoring is the scheme by which you are paired with a second or third-year University of Liverpool student for guidance regarding the University and your studies.
The Legal Society
The Legal Society aims to kickstart your legal career by providing a mix of academic, employability, and social events throughout the year. With more than 400 members, the Legal Society is both the largest law society and biggest academic society on campus. We welcome both law and non-law students who have an interest in pursuing a career in the legal world.
Visit the Legal Society.
The Bar Society
The University of Liverpool Bar Society will provide you with the necessary skills and experience to progress to the next stage of training in becoming a barrister. A career at the bar is highly competitive, with both BPTC providers and chambers seeking those who not only have the intellectual ability, but excellent advocacy skills and a wider awareness of what it takes to succeed.
Visit the Bar Society.
Liverpool Malaysian Society
Liverpool Malaysian Society (LMS) was created to provide a sense of belonging and familiarity to the Malaysian community in Liverpool. We aim to aid students in their integration into the overseas community and to cultivate a greater understanding of the Malaysian cultures among members to build a greater unity. We also act as a voice of representation of the Malaysian students in Liverpool to encourage cross-cultural understanding and to support cultural diversity in an increasingly globalised society.
Visit the Liverpool Malaysian Society.
Entry to the UK Bar
Liverpool Law School is proud to count many Alumni as successful barristers and has an enviable track record of supporting students to suceed in this competitive professional route to legal practice.
To be called to the English Bar, you need to complete two stages after your LLB degree. You need to pass the Bar Training Course (BTC) at one of the seven recognised providers, and join one of the four Inns of Court.
To be able to practice as barrister, you need to secure and complete a one year Pupillage at a Barrister's Chambers.
Details can be found on the Bar Council Website.
A typical route to becoming a barrister involves:
- Law degree (i.e. Academic learning knowledge of the law)
- Bar Practise Course
- Pupillage (i.e. On the job training)
Solicitor route in the UK
Admission as a solicitor of the Supreme Court in England currently requires you to undertake the Legal Practice Course (L.P.C) and two year's work experience in a firm (the Training Contract).
A second qualification route, called the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (S.Q.E), which consists of a two examination process and recognition of two years qualifying work experience.
Students wishing to pursue a career as a solicitor can do so through the University of Law, based in the Liverpool Law School.
A typical route to becoming a solicitor involves:
- A degree
- LPC or SQE
- Training Contract