Before you join us
If you’ve met your offer and are joining us, find out about what happens next before you arrive at the University.
Before you join us queries
Is there an airport pick up service?
There is a meet and greet service from Manchester Airport. All international students will be emailed with how to book onto this. If you are arriving outside of these dates please contact Clare Kelly.
Where can I find advice on vias, supporting documents and studying in the UK?
The International Advice and Guidance Team are here to help you – email or phone +44 (0)151 795 1000.
They provide professional and expert advice to international students on a range of immigration and welfare matters. The also help with Visa’s and Visa extensions.
Are there any specific books or software that I have to buy?
There is no specific literature that you need to buy beforehand – the libraries are well stocked, with online access also, and for any books that you may want to own, many are sold or passed on by other students, so it’s worth waiting to see what you need, want and is available.
You also won’t have any specific software requirements within Law and any software that is required would be available, in most cases, through the University, such as Microsoft packages.
What if I don't have access to a suitable device, such as a laptop?
There are PCs on campus to use, which can be located through the PC Finder app and website.
We also have self-service laptop machines at the Harold Cohen and Sydney Jones Libraries that are issued 4 hours at a time. These laptops can only be used within the Library and must not be removed from the premises.
Are there any opportunities to prepare myself for my course and the essential skills to help me settle into my studies?
For those securing places to study with us, you will gain access to a number of online resources through the student portal that will allow you to find out more information about University life, your course and study skills. This will be part of pre-arrival information, Welcome and Foundation Week.
Alongside the pre-arrival tasks that you will have read about above, we will also ensure that there are a range of opportunities, both during the initial Welcome Week for all new students, and Foundation Week for both new and returning students, to attend sessions that will support skills development and knowledge. These will be made available to you via our Welcome Pages, communications from the University, and My Liverpool app that you will receive more information about prior to joining us.
What guidance is available for disabled students who are studying at the University?
If you are a returning student and you think your support plan needs updating to take the current situation into account please contact to arrange this
If you are a new student who declared a disability on your application form, the team should have contacted you to explain the support which is on offer and the information we need from you. If you have a disability but have not told us about it yet please email
The team will continue to provide confidential one to one appointments to discuss your needs. For more information please look at our Disability Advice and Guidance web pages.
What guidance is available for International Students travelling to the UK for studying?
Please visit our dedicated pages for International students travelling to the UK.
When will I find out about my accommodation?
You can apply for accommodation as soon as you receive an offer to study/invite for interview at the University of Liverpool. You do not need to wait for your invite to apply or until you have chosen Liverpool as your firm or insurance choice on UCAS. We recommend you get your application in to us as soon as possible, as we allocate on a first come, first served basis.
You will only be sent a room offer once you have confirmed your attendance to the university (i.e. met the conditions of your offer, received your exam results & accepted your place).
For more information, or to apply for accommodation, visit our accommodation page.
When are my payments due for university accommodation?
You have two options available for making your accommodation payments:
- Pay in full
- Pay in three instalments
More details on making payments for your accommodation can be found on the paying your accommodation fees web page.
Finding out about School life
Is there a way to contact current students to talk about the student experience with them?
Students can talk to current students from similar backgrounds and studying similar subjects through our Chat portal.
There are also a number of opportunities to engage with students, such as Peer Mentors, and Ask Me Helpers – all current students available to connect with you. There will be opportunities to chat to these students throughout Welcome Week. information regarding this is also available through the Welcome Week App.
Alternatively, feel free to enquire with our Recruitment team, who can pass on your query to some of our ambassadors and recent graduates, with whom we work closely. Email
Are there any ways to connect with other students who will be in my year before we join the University?
Head to the University Welcome pages, check out the My Liverpool App, or head over to the Guild’s welcome pages to find out about the huge range of events that will be available to take part in during Welcome and Foundation Weeks.
There are also a number of Student Societies, both relating to your department and the wider university, which will also be running events to help you become a part of the student community.
If you are staying in university accommodation you can keep up to date with the latest events taking place at your Hall on the Halls Life platform.
Information to send or receive
What information will I receive now?
Once your place is confirmed with us, you will receive a range of information detailing dates of your course and joining us, accommodation where relevant to University Owned Accommodation, and how and when to register to gain access to your University accounts and details. This may come via email and/or post at various stages before you are due to join us.
Where should I look for further information about the first few weeks of my studies?
Whilst we’ll send the majority of information to you, you will also be able to register with us and start signing up for various talks and sessions at the University for Welcome Week and Foundation Week.
Once you are registered, you can head to the app store and download the My Liverpool app, which will allow you to see those events occurring during the first week at University.
You will note that, depending on your course options, some of the sessions will be compulsory, whilst others will be optional. Please take the time to make sure that you check the events thoroughly for information about timings and required attendance.
More information on the 2024/25 Welcome and Foundation Week to follow.
How do I get my student card?
Student cards can be collected from designated locations on site, and will be available to you once you have registered.
Student finance
If I am an International student, how do I pay my fees to the University?
Full details on tuition fees for International students (2024 entry) and how to pay, can be found on the Tuition Fees web pages.
I have a query about my fees, who do I contact?
You can view a full list of FAQ's from the central student fees team.
If you need to contact the Student Fees team, you can email them on: or call 0151 794 6777.