Call for papers and posters
The call for papers from SLSA members and non-members has now closed. We are unable to accept any further submissions.
Call for Papers
We are inviting submissions for papers to present at this year’s conference, anyone can submit an abstract whether a SLSA member or non-member. Authors wishing to present at the conference, can find a full list of this year’s streams and current topics on the SLSA 2025 streams and topics web page.
Please choose the most appropriate stream or current topic for your proposed paper and prepare an abstract of no more than 250 words.
Important dates
The Call for Papers is now Closed.
Call for Posters
The Liverpool Organising Committee is excited to launch a new poster session for SLSA 2025. Every year, the annual conference showcases innovative and engaging posters. These demonstrate the value of posters as a way to present socio-legal work in innovative ways, as well as their capacity to stimulate research conversations that can be more interactive than panel sessions. The committee is therefore keen to expand their reach. This year, there will be both an in-person event and an online poster event. There will be a Best Poster Prize for each event, which SLSA members are eligible to enter.
In-person poster event
The in-person poster follows our usual format. Open to PGRs only, it will involve physical posters, displayed for the entirety of the conference, as well as an opportunity to give short presentations and answer questions about their content. Digital versions of these posters will also be uploaded to Oxford Abstracts.
Participation fees follow the same fee structure as the wider conference. There are no additional costs to entering.
All participants in the in-person poster event should print their own posters and bring them along to the conference in A1 size, preferably in portrait format, you should also send a digital copy of your poster.
Online poster event
The online poster event is open to all academic levels, ensuring an additional opportunity to participate in the conference. Online posters will be displayed on Oxford Abstracts for the entirety of the conference. Presenters will also have the opportunity to give a short oral presentation in an online meeting and to engage with questions from the judging committee and other attendees.
You do not need to register for the full conference to submit a poster to the online event. The fee structure is as follows: £10 (PGRs), £20 (Members – all other levels), £40 (Non-members – all other levels).
The goal behind these events is to expand format options for the poster session and opportunities for participation. We hope this will encourage participants to be creative about how to present their work and see the value in different types of presentations. We aim to provide a meaningful online space for those who are unable to attend in person and to encourage greater international participation from those outside the UK.
Please choose the most appropriate stream or current topic for your proposed poster and prepare an abstract of no more than 250 words.
All participants in the online poster event should send a digital copy of your poster to the conference organising team.
Important dates
The Call for Posters is now Closed
If you have any queries, please contact the Conference Team: