Public Health and International Economic Law: Preventing non-communicable diseases and promoting better health for all
Bristol University Press
By Professor Amandine Garde , Professor of Law, Liverpool Law School, and Professor Gregory Messenger , Professor of Trade Law and Policy, University of Bristol .
Due to be published 1 June 2025 .
Ending Childhood Obesity: A Challenge at the Crossroads of International Economic and Human Rights Law
Elgar Studies in Health and the Law
Edited by Professor Amandine Garde , Professor of Law, University of Liverpool, UK, Dr Joshua Curtis , Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide, Australia and Professor Olivier De Schutter , Professor of Law, Centre for Philosophy of the Law, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
van Schalkwyk, M. C. I., Hawkins, B., Petticrew, M., Maani, N., Garde, A., Reeves, A., & McKee, M. (2024). Agnogenic practices and corporate political strategy: the legitimation of UK gambling industry-funded youth education programmes.. Health promotion international, 39(1).
Baker, P., Smith, J. P., Garde, A., Grummer-Strawn, L. M., Wood, B., Sen, G., . . . McCoy, D. (2023). The political economy of infant and young child feeding: confronting corporate power, overcoming structural barriers, and accelerating progress. LANCET, 401(10375), 503-524.
Gokani, N., & Garde, A. (2023). Front-of-pack nutrition labelling: time for the EU to adopt a harmonized scheme. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH.
Dzehtsiaroui, K., & Garde, A. (2022). Freedom of Commercial Expression and Public Health Protection at the European Court of Human Rights. JOURNAL OF LAW MEDICINE & ETHICS, 50(2), 250-258.
Friant-Perrot, M., & Garde, A. (2022). The Regulation of Alcohol Marketing in France: The Loi Evin at Thirty. JOURNAL OF LAW MEDICINE & ETHICS, 50(2), 312-316.
Garde, A., & Cabrera, O. A. (2022). INTRODUCTION Commercial Speech and the Commercial Determinants of Health. JOURNAL OF LAW MEDICINE & ETHICS, 50(2), 212-215.
Gokani, N., Garde, A., Philpott, M., Ireland, R., Owens, R., & Boyland, E. (2022). UK Nutrition Research Partnership 'Hot Topic' workshop report: A 'game changer' for dietary health - addressing the implications of sport sponsorship by food businesses through an innovative interdisciplinary collaboration. NUTRITION BULLETIN, 47(1), 115-122.
Subramanian, S., Gokani, N., & Aneja, K. (2022). Right to Commercial Speech in India: Construing Constitutional Provisions Harmoniously in Favor of Public Health. JOURNAL OF LAW MEDICINE & ETHICS, 50(2), 284-290.
Thow, A. M., Garde, A., Winters, L. A., Johnson, E., Mabhala, A., Kingston, P., & Barlow, P. (2022). Protecting noncommunicable disease prevention policy in trade and investment agreements. BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, 100(4), 268-275.
Tzevelekos, V. P., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2022). Climate Change: The World and the ECtHR in Unchartered Waters. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 3(1), 1-7.
Curtis, J., & Garde, A. (2020). Overcoming the legal challenge to end childhood obesity: Pathways towards positive harmonization in law and governance. In Ending Childhood Obesity. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Garde, A. (2020). Rethinking Vaccine Development as an Integral Part of Preparedness in the European Health Union. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RISK REGULATION, 11(4), 841-850.
Garde, A., Curtis, J., & De Schutter, O. (Eds.) (2020). Ending Childhood Obesity. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Garde, A., Curtis, J., & De Schutter, O. (2020). Ending childhood obesity: Introducing the issues and the legal challenge. In Ending Childhood Obesity. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Garde, A., & Toebes, B. (2020). Is there a European human rights approach to tobacco control?. In Human Rights and Tobacco Control. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Garde, A., & Zrilic, J. (2020). International Investment Law and Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention An Introduction . JOURNAL OF WORLD INVESTMENT & TRADE, 21(5), 649-673.
Sattorova, M. (2020). Investment protection agreements, regulatory chill, and national measures on childhood obesity prevention. In Ending Childhood Obesity. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Sattorova, M. (2020). Natural Resources and Human Rights: An Appraisal. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 31(4), 1571-1576.
Tatlow-Golden, M., & Garde, A. (2020). Digital food marketing to children: Exploitation, surveillance and rights violations. Global Food Security.
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