Liverpool International Law Mooting Competition
The International Law and Human Rights Unit, part of Liverpool Law School, invites students from the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores, Edge Hill University and Liverpool Hope University, to participate in the inaugural Liverpool International Law Mooting Competition.
This is a unique opportunity for students to learn more about and gain experience in international law mooting, especially if you plan to participate in external mooting competitions in the future.
Monday 29th April (South Campus Teaching Hub, Lecture Theatre 1)
Introductory session
Tea, coffee and light refreshments provided
Workshop on the nature and sources of international law, and the judicial function of the International Court of Justice (Dr Katie Johnston and Dr Ben Murphy)
Workshop on the Jessup International Law Mooting Competition, including tips and guidance on advocacy skills and mooting techniques (delivered by Liverpool Law School Jessup alumni)
At the end of the workshops, teams of two members per team will register for the competition. Upon registration, you will receive a copy of the facts of the case and find out if you will be representing the Applicant or the Respondent state in the case.
Participants will then spend the week conducting independent research to build their cases and prepare oral arguments.
Wednesday 1st May (South Campus Teaching Hub, Lecture Theatre 2)
Drop-in session and film screening
Tea, coffee and light refreshments provided
Drop-in session hosted by Dr Johnston and Dr Murphy, where participants have the opportunity to ask questions and seek feedback on their arguments
The Law School will host a screening of the film, ‘All Rise’, which follows the journeys of seven passionate law students from India, Israel, Jamaica, Palestine, Russia, Singapore, and Uganda as they compete in the world championship of the Jessup Competition.
Friday 3rd May (School of Law and Social Justice Building)
The competition
Tea, coffee and light refreshments provided
The first preliminary round will be judged by international law experts from across the four universities and by legal practitioners. Teams will present oral arguments on behalf of your state for 20 minutes (10 minutes per person) and then will present rebuttals and surrebuttals.
The second preliminary round will be judged by international law experts from across the four universities and by legal practitioners.
The highest-scoring teams from the preliminary round are announced, followed by a coffee break while the teams prepare for the grand final.
The highest-scoring teams from the preliminary round will then compete in the inaugural Liverpool mooting competition grand final and the winning team will be crowned champions!
The final will be followed by a drinks reception and networking opportunities.
You will have two options when registering, either as a team or as an individual.
Team Registration - Please ensure you complete the questionnaire and include both names of the people in your team.
Individual Registration - Please note the competition organisers will try their best to find each person a partner for the competition.
More information can be found on the event page via TicketSource.
Password: LIVILMOOT24
As part of the mooting competition, there will be two pre-events to give students and insight and some inspiration for the competition. The first introductory session will take place on Monday 29th April, between 1:00 - 5:00pm in the South Campus Teaching Hub, Lecture Theatre 1. The second session will be a drop in and film screening on Wednesday 1st May, between 2:00 - 5:00pm in the South Campus Teaching Hub, Lecture Theatre 2.
Please direct all questions to Dr Ben Murphy ( or Dr Katie Johnston (