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Academic staff
- Professor Marie Fox (Director) - Legal governance of human and animal bodies, legal conceptions of embodiment and regulation of reproduction.
- Professor Amel Alghrani - Regulation of families and reproduction; the increasing use of the criminal law to regulate healthcare ethics and practice; education law.
- Dr Paula Case - Issues surrounding the determination of mental capacity and a patient's 'best interests', regulation of health care professionals, compensation for child abuse, claims for psychiatric damage and medical negligence.
- Dr Ed Horowicz - Gender diverse and intersex children, and adolescents within healthcare.
- Dr John Fanning - Law of tort, mental health law and policy.
- Dr Danielle Griffiths - Regulation of families and reproduction, criminal law, healthcare.
- Dr David Horton - Health law, regulation, and accountability.
- Dr Zaina Mahmoud - Surrogacy, pregnancy, reproductive technology.
- Dr Stuart Oultram (Institute of Population Health) - Bio-medical ethics, ethics of surrogacy, digital professionalism.
- Joseph Savirimuthu - Regulatory and governance challenges raised by new and emerging technologies, with particular focus on privacy and data protection and related ethical/moral challenges.
Postgraduate researchers
- Sarah Bennett – Sarah's thesis title is: 'Reforming professional and legal regulation of health care professionals, to ensure lessons are learnt, malpractice is not repeated and patient safety is optimised'.
- Shannon Farrelly-Trainer – Shannon's thesis title is: 'Reclaiming P’s Right to Decide: Removing the Power from Third-Party Decision-Makers to Make Decisions on Behalf of P and Moving Towards Finally Empowering P to Make Their Own Decisions Through Supported Decision-Making'.
- Alex Hardacre – Alex's thesis title is: 'Grossly Unfair? How factors influencing GNM contribute to differing prosecutorial rates amongst professions'.
- Gracie Heayns - Gracie's thesis title is: ‘Interrogating the Role of The Physician in Physician Assisted Dying: A Comparative Analysis of the Law on Physician Assisted Dying in the United Kingdom and Canada Utilising the Ethics of Care’.
- Aimee Hulme – Aimee's thesis title is: 'The binary construct of mental capacity: A case study of the issues on the cusp of the capacity/incapacity divide'.
- Chisomo Kaufulu-Kumwenda – Chisomo's thesis title is: 'Fertility regulation and the right of women with disabilities to self-determination and autonomy in Malawi: a critical reflection in the application of the African human rights framework'.
- Cíara Rohan – Cíara's working thesis title is: 'An exploration into the viability of integrating non-surgical cosmetic procedures into the National Health Service'.
- Kate Sandford (PGR Network Lead) – Kate's thesis title is: 'Young, Childless Women and Surgical Sterilisation: The Paradox of Law and Society'.
Honorary staff
- Dr Carol Gray (University of Manchester) - The role of informed consent in the veterinary clinic: sharing the decision-making.
- Dr Lucy Frith (University of Manchester) - Bio-ethics, social science, health service research.
- Dr Leah Gilman (University of Sheffield) - Direct-to-consumer genetic testing and donor conception.
- Dr Caroline Redhead (University of Manchester) - Interplay between law, ethics (including data ethics), social change.
- Dr Amber Pugh (Liverpool John Moores University) - Mental capacity law and policy, tort law, healthcare law, critical disability studies.