Two silhouettes of children jumping at sunset.

Lives on Hold: Our Stories Told Yellow graphic with an illustration of two holding hands plus black text that reads 'Lives on Hold. Our Stories Told.'

Lives on Hold: Our Stories Told (LOHST)

The Legal and Social Impacts of Covid-19 on Young Unaccompanied Asylum-Seekers in the UK.

SEND project A young person with SEND cupping their head in their hands

Ask, Listen, Act

Working together to develop priorities for the provision of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) support for children after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children's Rights and the Football Industry Two girls playing football

Children's Rights and the Football Industry

Focused on migration, child footballers, and the football industry.

Covid-19 Briefing Papers Children's playground taped off during Covid. White text overlaid reads 'COVID-19 Briefing Papers'

COVID-19 Briefing Papers

In 2020, in response to the coronavirus pandemic, ECRU academics produced eleven Briefing Papers on the impact on children.