Events from EU Law at Liverpool, and the wider community.
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Past event highlights
The State of Prevention in Europe: Theoretical, Comparative and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
7 February 2025 | School of Law and Social Justice Building
Co-organised by EU Law at Liverpool, European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN), and Criminal Justice Unit.
- Professor Didier Bigo (Chair in Global Justice, University of Liverpool): Theorising the state of prevention - a social sciences perspective.
- Professor Elspeth Guild (Chair in Global Justice, University of Liverpool): Theorising the state of prevention - a legal perspective.
- Professor Pedro Caeiro (Professor of Criminal Law, University of Coimbra): The state of prevention and the expansion of criminal law.
- Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas (Dean of the School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool): The state of prevention as a public - private partnership.
- Clementina Salvi (Research Assistant, University of Liverpool): The state of prevention in the online environment.
ECLAN Graduate Conference 2023 - The Future of European Criminal Law
30 November - 1 December 2023 | School of Law and Social Justice Building
Conference hosted jointly by EU Law at Liverpool and the European Criminal Law Academic Network.
- Download the full programme - ECLAN PhD Conference 2023 (PDF, 128KB)
European Law Journal - Review of European Law in Context
Launching a Special Issue: The Normative Foundations of European Criminal Law
1 December 2023 | School of Law and Social Justice Building
Joint hosted by EU Law at Liverpool and the European Criminal Law Academic Network.
- Download the launch event information - Special Issue Launch Poster (PDF, 104KB)
CRIM/AI: UK Country Roundtable
15 November 2023 | London
- Download the full programme - CRIM AI UK programme (PDF, 296KB)
This event is part of the project titled ‘CRIM/AI: Criminal Proceedings and the Use of AI output as evidence: Challenges for Common Criminal Procedure Principles and the Principles of the Rule of Law,’ led by University of Luxembourg.
When AI is used to produce evidence, are existing criminal procedure rules sufficient to ensure adequate protection of the rights of the parties and the criminal justice system as a whole? This project aims to explore the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by prosecutors and courts (and potentially other participants) in criminal proceedings and evaluate its potential negative impact on the rule of law and fair trial rights, through comparative legal research across six jurisdictions.
EU Accession to the ECHR: "If at first you don't succeed..."
14 - 15 July 2023 | School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool
EU Law at Liverpool & International Law and Human Rights Unit
As the latest negotiations on EU accession to the ECHR inch closer to a successful conclusion, this conference explored the proposed accession agreement as well as the future opportunities and challenges facing both the EU and the ECHR legal orders.
Our first panel analysed the framework for accession. Will the new accession agreement do enough to satisfy the CJEU that the autonomy and special characteristics of EU law are respected? What particular problems are likely to arise for the EU institutions, e.g. when it comes to determining the allocation of responsibility also with the Member States? And what might accession mean for the ECHR itself, particularly during a period of significant geopolitical change across Europe – from Brexit to the war in Ukraine?
Our second panel considered certain cross-cutting themes in EU and ECHR law – not only the future of the existing Bosphorous doctrine on liability for EU acts that infringe the Convention, or the particular difficulties involved in ensuring the proper scrutiny of territorially and institutionally fragmented executive power; but also major doctrinal practices where the two systems adopt approaches that deserve to be compared and contrasted, e.g. when it comes to defining and assessing the “margin of appreciation”, or the application of European fundamental rights standards to autonomous private action.
Our final panel offered more detailed case-studies of how EU law and ECHR law might converge or diverge in their treatment of major socio-economic challenges, as well as the potential to engage in processes of mutual learning that enrich the legal heritage of European fundamental rights, e.g. in fields such as data protection, or migration, plus the “rule of law” crisis in states such as Poland and Hungary.
Proportionality of Criminal Penalties in EU Law
11 - 12 May 2023 | University of Turin
The event was jointly organised by the University of Turin (Prof. Stefano Montaldo), the University of Liverpool (Prof. Valsamis Mitsilegas) and the University of Milan Bicocca (Lorenzo Grossio).
The conference gathered key experts for a discussion on the theorisation, application and place of the principle of proportionality of criminal penalties within the EU legal order, in light of recent developments in case-law and practice.
The UK EU Lawyers Assembly
2 May 2023 | School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool
In 2022, EU Law at Liverpool – together with colleagues at City University, Edinburgh University and York University – launched the UK EU Lawyer’s Assembly. The Assembly acts as an informal network to promote the vitality and sustainability of EU law as a discipline within the UK. It is open to participation by all academics engaged in research and teaching EU law at higher education institutions across the UK. Our activities include:
- Regular work-in-progress seminars, particularly to support early career and postgraduate researchers
- Mutual advice and support on key issues such as publishing strategies, impact profiles, funding applications, academic promotion and career development
- Sharing experience and insights about important sectoral developments affecting the research and teaching of EU law across the UK
- Organising a cross-institutional mentoring and buddying scheme
- Promoting greater collaboration between UK research groups and clusters dedicated to EU legal studies
In 2022, the Assembly met in London for discussions about the strategic challenges and opportunities facing EU legal studies in the UK post-Brexit; and in York for work-in-progress presentations and advice about publication planning. In 2023, the Assembly met in Edinburgh for work-in-progress sessions and a discussion about academic career planning. This gathering in Liverpool is dedicated to postgraduate research in EU law.
The Future of the European Security Architecture
23 - 24 February 2023 | Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES)
Speaker: Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas
As threats to public security become more complex and globalised, national and targeted security strategies are increasingly replaced by a European security architecture. This security approach, also visible in asylum and immigration policies, relies on the extensive use of personal data collected in large-scale databases which are rendered interoperable and searchable through modern and potentially self-learning technologies.