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Academic staff

  • Dr Robert Knox (Director) - Public international law, particularly on its relationship to race and empire; public law, with a focus on its relationship to neoliberalism; legal theory, especially critical and Marxist approaches to the law.
  • Dr Seán Columb - Human trafficking; extra-legal migration; transnational crime.
  • Dr Gregory Davies - Devolution, particularly in Wales; the political functions of the judiciary within the UK's territorial constitution; prisoners' rights; Marxist and other materialist approaches to legal and constitutional analysis. 
  • Professor Michelle Farrell - International law; human rights law; state power and violence. 
  • Dr Katie Johnston - Public international law, with particular interests in the law on the use of force (jus ad bellum) and the sources of international law. 
  • Dr Zaina Mahmoud - Surrogacy; pregnancy; reproductive technology.
  • Professor Padraig McAuliffe - Socio-economic rights and development; transitional justice; rule of law; neopatrimonalism.  
  • Dr Ben Murphy - International law and the use of force; international institutional law; the interface between international law and public law theory, with specific reference to global constitutionalist discourse.
  • Dr Anne Neylon - Immigration and refugee law; critical theory; legal geography; feminist theory.
  • Dr Andrew Woodhouse - EU climate law; Marxist and critical approaches to the law, with a particular focus on political economy. 

Postgraduate researchers

  • Aoife Bowdler - Aoife's working thesis title is 'The Political Economy of Collective Security'.
  • Raam Dutia
  • Aidan Nyhus
  • Ronald Roberts
  • Danielle Reeder - Danielle's working thesis title is 'Consequences of United Kingdom Withdrawal from the European Union on Collective Security Mechanisms'. 

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