Events from Critical Approaches to Criminal International Law, and the wider community.
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Past event highlights
Places of Safety? Reflections on the Law and Politics of the Conservatives’ Rwanda Policy
12 December 2023 | Rendall Building, Lecture Theatre 7
On the 15th of November, the UK Supreme Court decided that the UK’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda under the Migration and Economic Development Plan between the two countries would breach the principle of non-refoulement. The saga does not end there however. In response to the judgment, the Prime Minister has vowed to legalise the Plan by declaring Rwanda to be a ‘safe country’ through legislation and an international treaty with Rwanda.
The judgment and the reaction to it therefore represents a watershed moment. Not only with respect to the UK’s relationship to the Refugee Convention and international law, but also with regards to the possibilities and limits of UK constitutional law. The controversial policy prioritised the externalisation of asylum through hollowing out the UK’s non-refoulement obligations, and despite the judgment of the Supreme Court, may reappear once again in a different guise.
In this event we discussed how we got here, the broader implications of the judgment, as well as what likely outcome of the PM’s proposed interventions will be.
Speakers: Dr Anne Neylon, Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas, Professor Mike Gordon, and Simon Petty (Care4Calais).
The Occupied Palestinian Territory and International Law
27 November 2023 | South Campus Teaching Tub, Lecture Theatre 4
This Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law event hosted leading legal experts and researchers on the occupied Palestinian territory. They introduced research examining fundamental legal principles relating to self-determination and collective protection in the context of Gaza and the West Bank and the potential for relevant international law instruments and mechanisms to play a meaningful role in situations of occupation.
Gaza and International Law
20 November 2023 | Thompson Yates Building, Lecture Theatre
We were joined by Professor Triestino Mariniello, Liverpool John Moores University, for this lecture.
This Critical Approaches to International Criminal Law seminar assessed the role of international law in the war on Gaza also in the war on Gaza also in the context of events in the West Bank and the law of occupation. It examined the competing legal narratives and consider the capacity of international law to play a meaningful role in regulating the conflict.
Download the Gaza and International Law Event Poster (PDF, 222.7KB)