
Research published by members of the Charity Law and Policy Unit.


  • Ian Murray & John Picton, The Reform of Charitable Constitutional Purposes: Should Australia Follow England’s Path in Aligning Charitable Trusts and Corporations?, King’s Law Journal 35(1), 46-67 (2024).
  • Sigafoos, J (2024). Country Report: United Kingdom, Global Philanthropy Index, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
  • Tribe, J. (2024). Corporate Insolvency Law: Challenging Orthodoxies in Theory, Design and Use. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Tribe, J. (2024). Communitarianism and the Public Interest in Large Corporate Insolvencies: An Argument for Government Intervention. In J. Harris (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Insolvency Law. Edward Elgar.
  • Tribe, J., & Ghio, E. (2024). The language of insolvency: why getting it wrong can harm struggling firms - The Conversation.


  • John Picton, ‘The Charities Act 2022 and its Dissuasive Effect on Donors’ (2023) Modern Law Review 86(4), 1011-1034
  • Mary Synge, ‘The University-Charity. Challenging Perceptions in Higher Education’ 526 pages (self-published, March 2023)
  • John Picton, ‘Book Review: The University Charity, Challenging Perceptions in Higher Education’ (forthcoming, Modern Law Review, 2023).
  • John Picton, ‘Book Review: Non-governmental Organisations and the Law: Self-regulation and Accountability' (forthcoming, Voluntary Sector Review, 2023)


  • Warren Barr & John Picton, ‘Pearce and Stevens’, Law of Trusts and Equitable Obligations’ 8th ed (OUP, 2022)
  • Debra Morris, ‘Too Private to Be Charitable: Difficulties in Drawing the Line in Charity Law’ in Daniel Halliday and Matthew Harding (eds) Charity Law. Exploring the Concept of Public Benefit 62-85 (Routledge, 2022)
  • Mary Synge, ‘Universities: A question of charity’ (2022) Journal of Equity 16, 103-113
  • John Tribe, ‘Keeping Kids Company – are the rules for disqualifying those guilty of misconduct in running incorporated charities different?’ (2022) Corporate Rescue and Insolvency 15(2), 39-42 with Abas Mithani


  • Debra Morris, ‘Funding Voluntary Sector Welfare Providers in the UK: From Grant to Contract. What Next and What Can French Providers Learn from the Experience?’ (in French: ‘Financement des prestations d’aide sociale dispensées par des organismes sans but lucratif au Royaume-Uni: des subventions publiques à une culture du contrat. Quel avenir et quels enseignements les prestataires français peuvent-ils en tirer?’ in Michel Borgetto, Géraldine Gadbin-George (eds) Le tiers secteur en France et au Royaume-Uni: déclin ou perfectionnement de l'Etat-providence? 163–177 (Paris, Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2021)
  • James Organ, Jennifer Sigafoos and Sophie Wickham, Liverpool Access to Justice Project Report, Feb 2021
  • John Picton, ‘Mapping Bad Charity’ in Sue Farran, Russell Hewitson and Adam Ramshaw (eds) Modern Studies in Property Law, vol 11, ch 12 (Oxford, Hart, 2021)
  • John Picton, ‘Lëhtimaki v Cooper: Duty and Jurisdiction in Charity Law’ (2021) 84 Modern Law Review 383–393
  • John Picton, ‘Equity Favours Charity’ (2021) 136 Law Quarterly Review 363–368
  • Jennifer Sigafoos & James Organ, ‘”What about the poor people’s rights?” The dismantling of social citizenship through access to justice and welfare reform policy’ (2021) 48(3) Journal of Law and Society 48 362–385
  • Jennifer Sigafoos, ‘How Legal Advice Can Ameliorate the Unequal Health Impact of Covid-19’ (2021) Journal of Social Security Law 28(1), 54-70 with S Wickham and J Organ
  • Jennifer Sigafoos, ‘On charitable discrimination: positive action, proportionality and “bright lines”’ (2021) 43 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 208–211
  • Mary Synge, ‘Regulation of universities as charities: one step forward, two steps back’ (2021) Legal Studies 41(2), 214-233
  • John Tribe, ‘Charities and Directors’ Disqualification’ (2021) 137 The Law Quarterly Review 542–547
  • John Tribe, ‘Bankruptcy and the Family Home: The Case for Imputing Insolvency Irregularities and a Presumption of Creditor Interests’ in Sue Farran, Russell Hewitson and Adam Ramshaw (eds) Modern Studies in Property Law, vol 11, ch 6 (Oxford, Hart, 2021)
  • John Tribe, ‘Big Bankruptcies: Evidencing “Insolvency” Eternal Recurrence, Bankruptcy Tourism and the Failure of Limited Liability’ (2021) 14 Corporate Rescue and Insolvency 3-7
  • John Tribe, ‘Agricultural Insolvency’ in M Mullen (ed) Tolley's Insolvency Law, 136 ed, pp. A60-1-A60-29 (London, LexisNexis, 2021)


  • James Organ, Jennifer Sigafoos, Sophie Wickham and Gordon Schenwi-Dim, ‘Responding to COVID-19 in the Liverpool City Region. Access to Legal Advice for All: Essential to Reduce Social and Economic Impacts of COVID-19’ Policy Briefing 28, Oct 2020 (Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, Liverpool)
  • Jennifer Sigafoos and John Picton (eds), Debates in Charity Law (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • Jennifer Sigafoos, James Organ and Sophie Wickham, Increasing Access to Justice in Liverpool Project: Interim Findings (July 2020)
  • John Tribe, ‘The Patronage Bargain and English and Welsh Charity Law: Non Liquet or Vacuous Theory?’ (2020) The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 84(1) 45-69
  • Warren Barr, ‘Social Housing – Charities and Vulnerable Groups’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 279-300 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • Debra Morris, ‘Commissioning of Services by Charities in the Third Decade of the Contract Culture: Lessons Learned (or Not Yet)’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 231-256 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • John Picton and Jennifer Sigafoos, ‘Fault Lines in Charity Law’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 1-12 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • John Picton, ‘Regulating Egoism in Perpetuity’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 53-80 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • Matthew Shillito, ‘Regulating the Digital (Currency) Revolution: Unravelling the Technological Challenge Faced by Charities’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 257-278 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • Jennifer Sigafoos, ‘When Should Charities Be Allowed to Discriminate? The Case of Single-Sex Services and Transgender People’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 103-128 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • Jennifer Sigafoos and John Picton, ‘Charity Law and Policy: Looking Forward’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 301-312 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)
  • John Tribe, ‘Deploying Communitarianism Bankruptcy Theory to Rescue Insolvent Charities and Maintain Charitable Purposes’ in J Picton & J Sigafoos (eds), Debates in Charity Law pp 81-102 (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020)


  • John Tribe, ‘Charity Insolvency’ In M Mullen (ed), Tolley's Insolvency Law (Vol 125, pp C35-1-C35-22) London: LexisNexis. (April 2019)
  • John Picton - ‘Sackler Donations: Why Museums and Galleries can be Stuck with Gifts – Even if they don’t want them’ The Conversation (29 March 2019)

 with chapters by CLPU's Dr JohnPicton and Prof Debra Morris

Published in January 2019 - Research Handbook on Not-For-Profit Law, with chapters by CLPU's Dr John Picton and Prof Debra Morris. 

Visit the publisher's website


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