Legal aid cuts
This project was funded by a University of Liverpool Knowledge Exchange Voucher, in partnership with Liverpool Specialist Advice Services.
- Download: Legal Aid Cuts Report – June 2013 (PDF, 731KB)
The impact of the Equality Act 2010 on charities
The Equality Act 2010 tightened the exceptions that allow charities to discriminate by targeting their services to particular populations. It is not clear to what extent charities have ensured that they comply. This project examines the Act’s practical significance for charities as well as the complicated intersection between charity law and equality law. The report includes guidance for the charitable sector and recommendations for reform of relevant legislation and official guidance.
- Download the report: Equality Act Charities (PDF, 731KB)
Housing the mentally vulnerable: The role of charities
'Housing the Mentally Vulnerable: The Role of Charities' report, published May 2005, on a year long research project, funded by the ESRC, which has investigated with charities and housing support bodies the nature and type of housing provision offered to the mentally vulnerable by charities and the legal and practical difficulties faced in discharging these housing functions. It includes some practical advice to enable better support of this group and considers the potential for legal reform.
- Download the report: Housing The Mentally Vulnerable: The Role of Charities (PDF, 693KB)
Disputes in the charitable sector
'Disputes In The Charitable Sector' report, published February 2003, on a year long research project, funded by the ESRC which has investigated with charities and umbrella bodies the type of dispute charities become involved in and how they seek to solve them. It also includes some practical advice on ADR resources for charities.
- Download the report: Disputes In The Charitable Sector (PDF, 566KB)
Charities and the New Deal for young people
'Charities and the New Deal for Young People' Report, published September 2001, on an empirical research project, which aimed to look at the role of charities in the delivery of New Deal through their involvement in the delivery of the Voluntary Sector Option (VSO). This research was supported by a scholarship from the Charity Law Association
- Download the report: Charities and the New Deal for Young People (PDF, 56KB)
Legal issues in charity mergers
'Legal Issues in Charity Mergers' report, published January 2001, on a year-long research project, funded by the ESRC to identify the legal issues arising in charity mergers and the different responses to them, and to consider the most appropriate solutions to commonly experienced problems.
- Download: Legal Issues in Charity Mergers Report (PDF, 207KB)
Mergers: A legal good practice guide
'Mergers: A Legal Good Practice Guide' published January 2001, as an accompanying document. This guide is intended to help charities to anticipate and deal with the legal problems that can arise when a merger takes place. It also includes some practical advice.
- Download: Mergers: A Legal Good Practice Guide (PDF, 51KB)
Charities and the contract culture
Report, published July 1999, on a year-long research project, funded by the Esmée Fairburn Charitable Trust to identify problems of a legal nature which have arisen for charities as a result of the 'contract culture'.
- Download the report: Charities and the Contract Culture (PDF, 233KB)
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