CLPU Conference Papers Archive

Archive 2000 - 2004

  • ‘Housing An Individual: Property Problems With The Mentally Vulnerable’, WG HART Annual Conference: Property and Obligations (Warren Barr & Nicola Glover-Thomas, July 2002)
  • ‘Charity Disputes: Who, What and Why?’ in Miami, USA, 30th Annual Conference of ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organisations and Voluntary Action) (Debra Morris, November 2001)
  • ‘The Fiscal Treatment of Charitable Contributions in the UK’, National Center on Philanthropy and the Law, New York University Law School (Debra Morris, October 2001)
  • ‘Trusts: Still Going Strong 400 Years After The Statute of Charitable Uses’ at a Symposium organised by SPTL (The Society of Public Teachers of Law) entitled The Future for Trusts and Similar Protected Segregated Fund Structures (Jean Warburton, 2001)
  • ‘Charities: The State of Independence?’ in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 29th Annual Conference of ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) (Debra Morris, November 2000)
  • ‘Charitable Lettings and Their Legal Pitfalls’ at Property 2000, Centre For Property Law, University of Reading (Warren Barr, March 2000)
  • ‘Legal Issues in Charity Mergers’ in Dublin, ISTR (International Society for Third Sector Research) 4th International Conference (Debra Morris, July 2000)
  • ‘Charitable Letting’ University of Liverpool Staff Seminar (Warren Barr, March 2000)




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