Two hands holding lots of change.

Symposium 2024: ‘Challenges in Non-Profit Law since the 1990s’

The Charity Law and Policy Unit (CLPU) at the University of Liverpool is hosting an International Symposium on developments in non-profit law since the 1990s on 17th – 18th June 2024 at the School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool, UK.

The Symposium is in honour of the retirement of the long-time Director of the CLPU, Debra Morris, Professor of Charity Law and Policy. Over thirty years of academic inquiry, Debra’s research has focussed on many different aspects of charity law and regulation, ranging from the ‘public benefit’ test through to the impact of equality law on charities. The timeframe for topics for the Symposium papers reflects the length of Debra’s career in the field.

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