Events from the Charity Law and Policy Unit, and the wider community.
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Past event highlights
Symposium 2024: ‘Challenges in Non-Profit Law since the 1990s’
17 - 18 June 2024 | School of Law and Social Justice Building
The Charity Law and Policy Unit (CLPU) at the University of Liverpool is hosting an International Symposium on developments in non-profit law since the 1990s. The Symposium is in honour of the retirement of the long-time Director of the CLPU, Debra Morris, Professor of Charity Law and Policy. Over thirty years of academic inquiry, Debra’s research has focussed on many different aspects of charity law and regulation, ranging from the ‘public benefit’ test through to the impact of equality law on charities. The timeframe for topics for the Symposium papers reflects the length of Debra’s career in the field.
NGOs: Evolution of International Regulation and Accountability
30 November 2023 | Online
This Charity Law and Policy Unit event was proudly supported by Brabners LLP Solicitors.
Dr Domenico Carolei, University of Stirling, explored one of the issues developed in his new book: D. Carolei, Non-Governmental Organisations and the Law: Self-Regulation and Accountability (Routledge, 2023). He asserted that international law is advancing to enhance NGO regulation and accountability, and delved into normative developments such as establishing an international ombudsperon, applying business and human rights laws to NGOs, and understanding extraterritorial jurisdiction.
The Forward Thinking Conference
10 November 2023 | The Spine Building, Liverpool
The conference, organised by the Government's Insolvency Service and hosted by the School of Law and Social Justice, provided a link between academia, the insolvency sector, and policymakers with a platform for insolvency research and technical discussion.
Read about the event's successes on the SLSJ news pages.
Higher Education Institutions and Money Laundering
24 October 2023 | Online
We were joined by Professor Nicholas Ryder, from Cardiff University, who will be presenting on Higher Education Institutions and Money Laundering.
'Examining the English Necessary Interest Rule in the Charitable Trust'
26 May 2023 | School of Law and Social Justice Building
In England, Parliament introduced the ‘necessary interest rule’ through the enactment of section 115 of the Charities Act 2011 (England and Wales), allowing ‘any person interested’ in a charitable trust to initiate charity proceedings against defaulting trustees in their administration of charitable assets. In the presentation, Dr Jing Hui, University of Hong Kong, explained the ways in which the courts have interpreted the necessary interest rule and, secondly, discussed the theoretical implications of the necessary interest rule for understanding the conceptual nature of English express trusts.
Watch a recording of the lecture
'Sticking To Their Knitting: Charities, Campaigning & Politics’
19 April 2023 | School of Law and Social Justice Building
Challenging those in power through advocacy and campaigning has always been a vital role of voluntary organisations. Yet there have long been critics who question the legitimacy of such approaches and accuse campaigning charities of going beyond their remit and "straying into politics". In this session, Rhodri Davies explored the historical background to this debate and what it can tell us about the challenges facing charities today. Does the rule prohibiting charities from having political purposes, for instance, stem from a historical error? Should we consider abandoning it? And as 'culture war' debates spread and extend the boundaries of what is deemed to be political, do charities face more challenges than ever before when it comes to campaigning?
Watch a recording of the lecture
Annual Property Law Lecture: Forfeiture, Penalties, and Damages in Property Law
21 February 2023 | School of Law and Social Justice Building
In this lecture, the Hon. Mr Justice Fancourt, Vice-Chancellor of the Country Palatine of Lancaster, Supervising Judge of the Business and Property Courts for the Northern & North-Eastern Circuits, will consider the proper scope of forfeiture of property and contractual rights, with reference to the law of penalties and damages.
Watch a recording of the lecture
'Shifting Sands - Surviving Uncertain Times'
Thursday 9th February 2023 | Online
Speaker: Helen Rice - CEO, Age UK, West Sussex, Brighton & Hove.
Against a background of environmental shifts in the market for charities, Helen considers strategies for overcoming current challenges facing charities such as funding and workforce deficits, and the related issue of managing risk.