Chiara Pavesi
Postgraduate researcher and Graduate Teaching Fellow in Law.
Liverpool Law School
Chiara graduated in Law (Master’s Degree) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (Italy) undertaking a thesis in International Law. She also holds an LLM in International Law from the University of Nottingham. Her thesis concerned the relationship between UNCLOS and Non-State actors and the use of force by States against private oil companies. She was an intern for the legal office of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg (Germany) and participated in the Jean Monnet Summer School on “European Union and the Law of the Sea” (EULoS) in 2021. Prior to beginning her Ph.D., she also worked in the legal office of an Italian company as a legal specialist.
Chiara is also the project coordinator of the ASCOMARE Yearbook on the Law of the Sea and she is a member of the COST Action - Blue rights, working group 'Protection of Life at Sea.'
Since her LLM, Chiara has developed a deep interest in the International Law of the Sea. Her areas of research are International Public Law, International Law of the Sea, and Maritime Security. Her current research focuses on the current international regulation of privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) employed on board merchant ships operating at sea.
Chiara is a member of the International Law and Human Rights Unit (ILHRU) of the University of Liverpool.
Thesis title
State(s)' Jurisdiction over merchant’s vessel carrying privately contracted armed security providers for self-protection reasons.
- Dr Vassilis Tzevelekos (Liverpool Law School)
- Dr Antal Berkes (Liverpool Law School)
- PIERANDREA LEUCCI and CHIARA PAVESI ‘Cavi sottomarini e zona economica esclusiva italiana: la strada verso una resilienza marittima digitale’ in A. Caligiuri, I. Papanicolopulu, L. Schiano di Pepe, R. Virzo, Italia e Diritto del Mare (Edizione Scientifica, 2023)
- MARIANTHI PAPPA and CHIARA PAVESI, 2022. Protecting Non-State Actors’ Interests at Sea: Judicial Responses to the Silence of UNCLOS ASCOMARE Yearbook on the Law of the Sea. 1, 95-128.
- Sea Control 397 - Judicial Responses to the Silences of UNCLOS with Chiara Pavesi (PODCAST) CIMSEC- Centre for International Maritime Security.