Bilal Alperen Öztürk
Postgraduate researcher.
Liverpool Law School
Alperen obtained a BA in Law at Marmara University, Istanbul in 2017, and an LLM Degree at Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul in 2020. He joined the School of Law and Social Justice in 2021 as a Postgraduate Research Student.
He is also a qualified lawyer admitted to Istanbul Bar Association and has been practising law in Turkey since 2018.
Alperen’s research interests lie primarily in international law. His area of interest is broad in international law, specifically including the law of the sea, maritime delimitation, and international dispute settlement.
Research clusters
Dates of study
PhD Start Date: September 2021
PhD Completion Date: September 2025
- Dr Vassilis Tzevelekos (University of Liverpool)
- Dr Niccolo Ridi (King’s College London).
Research summary
Alperen’s research is currently focusing on the dispute settlement of the law of the sea disputes. His research is awarded full funding by the Ministry of National Education, Turkey. Also, he conducted research on the law of state immunity in the past.