Anoshay Fazal
Graduate Teaching Fellow.
Liverpool Law School
Anoshay is a PhD researcher in Law and Graduate Teaching Fellow, teaching on the Equity and Trusts module. She is also a PGR Representative (Law). Anoshay holds LLB (Hons) & LLM (with Merit) from the University of London with a specialisation in Law and Development and has over twelve years of experience in academic research and policy focussed on constitutionalism and legal history, international human rights law, environmental justice, neoliberalism, and other thematic areas within the Global South.
Her recent publication focusses on the notions of citizenship laws, statelessness, and the plight of Afghan refugees, published in ‘Statelessness, governance, and the problem of citizenship’ (Manchester University Press, 2021). She has provided research and editorial support two book manuscripts: Federalist Solutions to Pakistan's Political Crises (Lexington Books, 2024 Federalist Solutions to Pakistan's Political Crises - 9781666955460), and The Constitution of Pakistan: A Contextual Analysis (Hart Publishing, 2018 Sadaf Aziz - The Constitution of Pakistan A Contextual Analysis - Search). She has also co-authored two studies on “Fair Representation in Justice Sector” and assisted with implementing trainings to over a 100 female law students and lawyers under this project with the Women in Law Initiative Pakistan (with support from the United States Institute of Peace). Anoshay was recognised for her contributions to legal research and academia by the Women in Law Initiative – Pakistan’s celebration of 100 Years of Womxn in Law, held in Lahore from 25-27 April 2024.
Anoshay also has experience in implementing and coordinating projects focusing on the advancement of Refugee rights, Business and Human Rights, and the rights of the Child in Pakistan with support from the American Bar Association-Rule of Law Initiative and UNHCR Pakistan. Anoshay also serves as an advisory member with the Lahore Education and Research Network (LEARN).
Anoshay’s previous work experience with the UNHCR Pakistan has provided direct insight into the legal complexities and subsequent subversion of rights that impacts Afghan refugees in Pakistan. She has also provided input towards the preparation of a Report on the Impact of COVID-19 on Stateless Communities in Pakistan (published by Musawi Pakistan with support from the Covid-19 Emergency Support Forum and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion). Her research will be an enquiry into the notions of citizenship, the right to nationality and how it operates within international human rights law as an instrument for the exercise of human rights for stateless populations.
Research cluster: International Law and Human Rights Unit
Thesis title
Statelessness, Citizenship, and the Right to Nationality: A Critical Examination of the Rightlessness of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan under International Human Rights and Domestic Law.
Fazal, Anoshay. "A regional politics of foreignness and Pakistan’s Afghan refugees." In Statelessness, governance, and the problem of citizenship, pp. 49-60. Manchester University Press, 2021.