Student walking through campus. In the background there are trees with green and orange leaves.

Law, Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology discretionary offers

The School of Law and Social Justice has a long-standing, and internationally leading, commitment to social justice.

Our commitment to social justice is reflected in our admissions strategy and a degree of discretion is afforded to us at departmental level to be able to personalise our offers.  Our aim is to increase opportunities for Law, Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology applicants with non-traditional backgrounds and those facing significant educational hurdles to demonstrate attainment of excellent standards in light of their circumstances.

We will give consideration of a one or two grade discretionary reduction to applicants with non-traditional backgrounds and those facing significant educational hurdles such as those listed here as examples (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Young carers (with the Council certificate).
  • Applicants who have experienced significant personal trauma.
  • Applicants who are estranged from family.
  • Illness of applicant or a close family member during studies (with medical evidence).
  • Applicants with asylum seeker or refugee status.
  • In receipt of a 6-19 Bursary.
  • In receipt of free school meals.
  • Other significant personal or family circumstances that have adversely impacted on studies, including long-term financial hardship.

The request for a discretionary offer should come directly from the applicant and should provide explanation of circumstances, including relevant supporting information (such as from a teacher, doctor, council etc) if available. If you would like to apply for consideration under this scheme, please email Clare Kelly:

Please note: Any applicant who has already been made a contextual offer cannot be additionally considered for a law and social justice discretionary offer.

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