Self-funded track
The School of Law and Social Justice welcomes applications from academics, nationally and internationally, at any career stage to its Visiting Research Fellowship Scheme.
The purpose of the Scheme is to enable Visiting Fellows and School of Law and Social Justice staff/research clusters to develop or extend collaborations. Projects might seek to explore initial research connections, to develop concrete research ideas, or to execute specific projects.
For more information on applying, please download our 2024-25 Guidance: 2024-25 - International Visiting Research Fellowships - Guidance (PDF, 133.2KB)
About the School of Law and Social Justice
The School of Law and Social Justice, comprising the Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology and the Liverpool Law School, is an internationally renowned centre for innovative, multidisciplinary research with a distinct expertise in and commitment to social justice issues.
Over 100 academics are engaged in this vibrant research environment which is supported by 16 research clusters and housed within a state-of-the-art building, designed sensitively around our research and impact needs.
We pride ourselves on our strong links with academics, practitioners, policy makers, intergovernmental organisations, and civil society across the world, enabling us to produce research of the highest quality and relevance.
The School is also renowned for fostering excellence, innovation and interdisciplinary dialogue in research methods through the engage@liverpool initiative.
This offers year-round methods training events and enables people from very different disciplines to share and develop leading methodological approaches to a range of research issues.
Applicants should be of postdoctoral status or have equivalent experience. Doctoral students will be considered in certain circumstances and applicants should contact if they wish to discuss this further.
Applicants should have the support of an academic member of staff (Law/SSPC) based permanently in the School of Law and Social Justice, who should be named in their application form. This person will be responsible for hosting the applicant as a Fellow if their application is successful.
There is no fixed period for the Fellowship. However, applications for visits of under two weeks’ duration will not normally be considered.
Benefits for Visiting Fellow
Each Fellow will benefit from:
> Desk space and relevant IT access for the duration of the Fellowship
> Full access to the University of Liverpool library services and other relevant University services
> Nominated School of Law and Social Justice sponsor for one-to-one exchange of ideas in areas of mutual research interest
> Opportunities to present at external events e.g. seminar series
> Opportunities to present works in progress during staff seminar series and research cluster meetings in order to gain feedback on current research
> Access to wider staff seminar series to hear about, and feedback on, the research of others
> Access to all other research cluster activity such as external events, internal reading groups
Expected Contributions to the School of Law and Social Justice
Fellows will be expected to develop new or extend existing research collaborations with staff or research clusters in the School and outgoing Institution.
This would normally include:
> presenting a work-in-progress lecture or seminar
> participating actively in the research events and activities of the School/research cluster, commensurate with their research
> developing or extending collaborative links, via for example, joint publications and/or joint application/s for research funding;
> acknowledging School of Law and Social Justice support in any publications or other outputs resulting from their Fellowship
> writing a short reflective blogpost on the international visiting fellowship for the School of Law and Social Justice blog.
> producing an ‘End of Fellowship’ report (of no more than 1,000 words) detailing their activities and achievements during the Fellowship.
How to apply
Applicants should submit a short summary CV and an application from, addressing the following points:
- A short summary of research expertise and reasons for the online fellowship
- A detailed outline of proposed activities for the duration of the visit
- How the online visiting fellowship will contribute to your own research plans
- How your visiting fellowship will contribute to the research culture of the School of Law and Social Justice (e.g. additional opportunities for exchanges of ideas, contributions to staff or doctoral research training, development of collaborations)
- Details of the envisaged outcomes arising from the fellowship (e.g. external funding, joint publications and potential long-term research partnerships)
- Applications should include a supporting statement from their collaborating partner based in the School of Law and Social Justice (see the Law/Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology staff pages)
- Applicants also need to complete and submit the Request for Honorary Title Form. (Word doc, 77.2KB)
- Download the Application Form: 2024-25 Self Funded International Visiting Fellowship Application Form (Word doc, 100.5KB)
Applications should be emailed to Mrs Jayne Edwards at
Applications for the Visiting Fellowship (self-funded track) are accepted on a rolling basis and are assessed by a panel of senior academic staff from the School of Law and Social Justice.