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Twenty Years On: Assessing the State and Legacy of New Labour’s Constitution


Day 1 – Thursday 13th July 2017

1.00-2.00 - registration & refreshments

2.00-3.30 – Panel 1: Major Reforms and their Implications

Chair: Brian Thompson (University of Liverpool)

New Labour and a New Regulatory Space for Judges

Professor Graham Gee (University of Sheffield)

Hard to resist, Hard to Escape Freedom of Information 1997-2000

Dr Ben Worthy (Birkbeck, University of London)

The 'evolution' of devolution: assessing Labour's legacy in England

Dr Arianna Giovannini (De Montfort University)

3.30-3.45 - coffee break

3.45-5.15 - Keynote: Creating the New Labour Constitution

Lord Falconer of Thoroton

5.30-7.00 – drinks reception

Day 2 – Friday 14th July 2017

9.00-9.30 - registration, tea and coffee

9.30-10.30 - Keynote: "Britain's New Labour Constitution: Causes and Consequences"

Professor Rodney Brazier (University of Manchester)

10.30-11.00 - coffee break

11.00-12.30 – Panel 2: The Separation of Powers and National Security

Chair: Dr Rumyana Grozdanova (University of Liverpool)

The Blair Constitution and the Separation of Powers

Professor Roger Masterman (Durham University)

Parliament's Secret War

Dr Veronika Fikfak and Dr Hayley Hooper (University of Cambridge)

Labour's Secret National Security Constitution

Dr Paul Scott (University of Glasgow)

12.30-1.15 - lunch

1.15-2.45 – Panel 3: Rights, Courts and Politics

Chair: Dr Stephanie Reynolds (University of Liverpool)

Unintended Consequences: The Common Law Constitution and Judicial Comparativism

Dr Seshauna Wheatle (Durham University)

The Human Rights Act 1998: two decades swimming upstream

Dr Helene Tyrell (Newcastle University)

Labour Law, Neoliberalilsm and the Turn to Constitutionalism

Dr Rob Knox (University of Liverpool)

2.45-3.00 - coffee break

3.00-4.30 – Panel 4: Processes and Institutions

Chair: Dr Eleanor Drywood (University of Liverpool)

What was the New Labour vision for Parliament? And id it succeed?

Dr Louise Thompson (University of Surrey)

New Labour and the reform of administrative justice oversight: retelling a tale

Dr Joe Tomlinson (University of Sheffield)

Referendums, Referendums, Referendums: The New Labour Legacy

Leah Trueblood (University of Oxford)

4.30-4.45 – final comments

4.45-6.00 - reception