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Modern Studies in Property Law 2014

Conference Programme

The Conference will follow the following format:


Day 1: Tuesday 8th April 2014


12.30 – 13.30 Lunch and Registration - 4th Floor Maritime Museum

14.00 – 15.30 Opening Plenary: Law Reform and Property Law (Chair: Mr Warren Barr)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Dr. Andrew Steven ‘A golden era? The impact of the Scottish Law Commission on property law.’ (Edinburgh)

Professor Elizabeth Cooke ‘Green pastures and long grass: land law and the Law Commission for England and Wales.’

Professor John Mee ‘Reforming the Law of Prescription: A Cautionary Tale from Ireland’ (University of Cork, Ireland)

 5.30 – 16.00 Tea Break – Dining Area, 4th Floor

16.00 – 18.00 Conference Papers Session 1: Property and the Home (Chair: Dr Heather Conway)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Mr. Chris Bevan ‘‘The Evolving Concept of ‘Home’ in Modern Property Law: Lessons from the Supreme Court’ (Nottingham)

Dr. Gustav Muller ‘Evicting for health and safety reasons in post-apartheid South Africa’ (Rhodes University, South Africa)

Dr. Helen Carr ‘Housing, health and risk: how small is too small for city centre accommodation?’ (Kent)

Dr. Reghard Brits ‘Protection for homes during mortgage enforcement: Comparison between human-rights approaches in South Africa and the United Kingdom’ (Stellebosch University, South Africa)

18.30-19.30 Drinks & Canapé reception - Maritime Museum 2rd Floor Galleries


Day 2: Wednesday 9th April 2014


09.00 – 11.00 Conference Papers Session 2: Property and Death (Chair: Professor Nick Hopkins)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Dr. Heather Conway ‘Do Parents Always Know Best?: Posthumous Provision and Adult Children’ (QUB)

Dr. Fiona Burns ‘Property of the mentally incapacitated: Statutory wills in England and Australia (University of Sydney, Australia)

Mr. Siôn Hudson & Dr. Brian Sloan ‘(Testamentary) Freedom: Mutual Wills Might Let You Down’ (Cambridge)

Professor Caryl A.Yzenbaard 'Property Distribution at Death’ (Northern Kentucky University, USA

11.00 - 11.30 Tea Break – Dining Area, 4th Floor

11.30 – 13.00 Parallel Conference Sessions

(Please attend one of the following)


A. Conference Papers Session 3: Planning (Chair: Professor Debra Morris)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Dr. Charles Mynors ‘Simplifying planning law: a radical proposal’

Barbara Bogusz ‘Land: an economic and social space?’ (Leciester)

Mr. Adam Baker ‘Developers versus Protestors: Contractual Licensees and Possession Claims post Dutton’ (Leeds)

B. 11.30 – 13.00 Works In Progress Session (Chair:  Professor Susan Bright)

Dining Area, 4th Floor

Dr. Ben Mayfield ‘The emergence of Section 212 of the Housing Act 2004’ (Lancaster)

Associate Professor Matthew Harding (Melbourne) & Dr. Robin Hickey (QUB) ‘Unconscionability and Value in Equitable Approaches to Property’ (Australia, NI)

Dr. Frankie McCarthy ‘Constitutional Property Theory and the European Convention on Human Rights’ (Glasgow)

Ms. Emily Walsh ‘An analysis of the problem and potential solutions pertaining to obsolete restrictive covenants affecting land in England and Wales’ (Portsmouth)

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch – Dining Area, 4th Floor

14.00 – 16.00 Conference Papers Session 4: Ownership (Chair: Professor Martin Dixon)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Professor Alison Clarke ‘Land Titling and Communal Property’ (Surrey)

Ms. Jill Morgan ‘Subsurface ownership: English or American rules, OK?’ (Swansea)

Ms. Chris Willmore ‘Leases, licences and joint venture agreements’ (Bristol)

Mr. Graham Ferris ‘Reflections on Formalities’ (Nottingham)


16.30 – 17.30 Keynote Address (Introduction:  Mr Warren Barr)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Sir John Mummery: 'Property in the Information Age'

18.00 - 19.00 Drinks Reception - Maritime Museum 2nd Floor Galleries

19.00 - 21.00 Conference Dinner - Maritime Museum Dining Room 4th Floor.


Day 3: Thursday 10th April 2014*

*The PGR Conference begins today (see separate programme).


09.00 – 11.00 Conference Papers Session 5: Conceptions of Property (Chair: Professor Jill Morgan)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Dr Wian Erlank 'Property relationships in virtual worlds - A return to the feudal system?' (North-West University - Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa)

Professor Mel Kenny & Professor James Devenney ‘The Omission of Personal Property Law from the Proposed Common European Sales Law: The Hamlet Syndrome…Without the Prince?’ (Exter & De Mountford)

Dr. Juanita Roche ‘Constitutional land law: Mexfield and the 40-shilling freehold’ (Manchester)

Dr. Ting Xu ‘Community and ‘Just Compensation’ in Takings of Property’ (QUB)

11.00 - 11.30 Tea

11.30 – 13.00 Final Conference Papers Session (Chair: Dr John Picton)

Lecture Theatre, 4th Floor

Dr. Simon Cooper ‘Guaranteeing Title Information and the Overprivileged Proprietor in Possession’ (Oxford Brookes)

Dr. Lu Xu ‘Commonhold Developments in Practice’ (UEA)

Professor Hanri Mostert (University of Capetown, South Africa) & Professor Leon Verstappen (University of Gronigen, the Netherlands) ‘The Registar, the Notary and the Numerus Clausus: A Closer Look at the Role of Professionals who uphold Certainty in Property Law’ (South Africa & The Netherlands)


Conference Close & Lunch – Dining Room, 4th Floor*

*The PGR Conference continues until 5pm (see separate programme). Delegates please feel free to attend this Conference if you wish.