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The Mental Capacity Act 2005 – Ten Years On

The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Ten Years On

Venue: Liverpool Maritime Museum

Hosted by the Health Law & Regulation Unit, School of Law and Social Justice, The University of Liverpool

The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Ten Years On conference was supported by the Wellcome Trust (Grant Award  107461/Z/15/Z) and The School of Law and Social Justice 

Conference Theme

This is a timely two-day conference on The Mental Capacity Act 2005 to mark the statutes ten-year anniversary hosted by the Health Law and Regulation Unit (HLRU). The topic of the conference is of national importance and esteemed members of the judiciary, academics and mental health practitioners will present.

This event will allow for critical reflection on this important statute and highlight important research being undertaken in this domain both locally, nationally and internationally.

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together those at the forefront of mental health delivery from various disciplines and allow for knowledge transfer and exchange within the wider community.

The conference will allow for an informed reflection on how the controversial area of law is operating in practice and an exploration of legal and or ethical problems in the wider societal context. This will facilitate an exploration of how best mental health law can improve the delivery of health ethics and practice and better serve the most vulnerable in society.

Conference Venue

The Conference will be held at the Liverpool Maritime Museum which is located in the heart of the city close to major transport links and has unrivalled views of UNESCO World Heritage waterfront and Albert Dock. As well as beautiful views of the City, the venue offers state of the art, high specification AV technology and high range microphones and a connected lectern, giving speakers and presentations a greater degree of control and a professional edge and making it an apt venue to host a conference from.

For more see

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will be held on Wednesday 9th September 2015 in EastZEast Restaurant (Unit 2, Kings Dock, Liverpool L3 4BX). The restaurant also located on the Liverpool Waterfront offers modern and stylish décor coupled with EastZEast’s famed food and service.

For more see:

Contact Information

For academic related queries please contact Dr Amel Alghrani 

For administrative related queries please contact Rachel Barrett