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International Charity Law Symposium Charity Law & Policy Unit

11th April 2014

9.30am-4.30pm - Symposium CLPU 2014 programme

When charity law reform is hot on the agenda in this country, please join us at this innovative Symposium, the first international gathering of charity lawyers in the UK for 20 years.

It will begin with a Context Session exploring recent international charity law developments, focussing on problems and reforms. Five experts in the field from five jurisdictions (Ireland, USA, Australia, Canada and England and Wales) will set the scene by exploring recent charity law developments in their country. They will focus on particular problems experienced and reforms either underway or contemplated. Professor Lizzie Cooke of the Law Commission will be presenting the England and Wales context.

The second session will be a Comparative Session, in which participants will join in one of three workshops, designed around three themes, in which they will explore similarities and differences in their countries, both in terms of the charity law challenges faced and the national responses to those challenges. Each workshop will have a leader who will steer the discussion and will note the key points raised.

The final plenary Synthesis Session will explore and evaluate the impact and effectiveness of responses to recent developments, and will seek to identify further opportunities for reform. This will be undertaken by way of a panel discussion, which will also allow for feedback of the workshop themes. Panel members include Professor Mark Sidel, Professor Peter Luxton, Dr Alison Dunn, Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes and Sir John Mummery.

The day will close with members of the Charity Law & Policy Unit summing up the day’s proceedings.

Following the Symposium, themed papers based on the key discussions from the day and focussed around the three workshop themes, together with the country reports from the Context Session at the start of the day will then be published.

The Charity Law & Policy Unit thanks both Key Haven Publications (publishers of the Charity Law & Practice Review) and the Charity Law Association for their financial support for the Symposium.

* Jordans 20% discount for attendees of the International Charity Law Symposium - with a link to: