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Contemporary Challenges in Constitutional Theory: International, European and Domestic Perspectives


University of Liverpool

19–20 June 2017

Drawing on a successful series of workshops on the theme of legal and constitutional theory held in the academic year 2015-16, the School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool, will host a two-day conference on ‘Contemporary Challenges in Constitutional Theory: International, European and Domestic Perspectives’ on the 19th and 20th June 2017.

The conference has two main aims. First, it aims to facilitate critical reflection on the value of, and challenges posed by, the use of constitutional theory in legal scholarship, considering specifically how the impact of various challenges may differ depending on the perspective taken (be that international, transnational, domestic or comparative). Second, the conference is envisaged as the first step towards the establishment of an inter-institutional, interdisciplinary network of postgraduate and early career researchers working in constitutional theory.

With this in mind, the first day will offer postgraduate students and early career researchers working in the area of constitutional law the opportunity to present and receive feedback on theoretical aspects of their work from an assembled expert panel, chaired by Professor Neil Walker, Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations, University of Edinburgh. Day 2 will follow a traditional conference format. We are delighted to announce that Professor Walker will deliver the conference keynote address. Other confirmed participants include: