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Regulating Banking Structures: Perspectives and Implications

Organised by the Liverpool Law School, University of Liverpool

Thursday, 2nd July, 2015 10:00 – 15:30
A one- day symposium, University of Liverpool in London, 33 Finsbury Square, EC2A 1AG

Symposium Themes

Banking regulation has gained prominence in public debate in recent years. As the impacts of the Great Recession continue to unfold, the structure of banking – particularly the interface between investment and commercial banking – has become the focus of enhanced legislative and regulatory energies. The aims of this symposium are to unpack and consider the potential implications of structural reform of banking with contributors offering perspectives which are sure to enrich and widen our understanding of this critically important legal, economic, and societal challenge.

Symposium Programme

Structural Reform of Banking:
A Global Challenge

Rosa Lastra
Professor, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Structural reforms: A Comparative Perspective

Thierry Bonneau
Professor, Université Paris II Panthéon‐Assas, France
France’s Banking Separation Legislation

Jens-Hinrich Binder
Professor, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany
Structural Bank Reform - A German Perspective


The UK’s Banking Reform Act 2013:
Unpacking the Implications

Nigel Clayton
Lecturer in Law, City University London, UK
Part 4 of the Act 2013 and Bank Failures:
Substance is More Important than Structure?

Olufemi Amao
Lecturer in Law, Brunel University, UK
The 2013 Act’s Implications for Directors’ Duties and

Ed Hyde
Director, Wealth and Investments Legal Team, Barclays, UK
Structural Reform and Redesigning Integrated Wealth
Management Services

Regulating Banking Structures: Perspectives and Implications - Full programme PDF.

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