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Welcome Week Fair

Posted on: 30 September 2022 in Blog

Students at the Welcome Week Fair at SLSJ Events Space
Students at the Welcome Week Fair

Thursday 22nd September saw the School of Law and Social Justice host their very first Welcome Week Fair. These ranged from Student Support stalls, the Law Clinic, Interchange and the Student Societies specific to Law and SSPC.

On the day, our Events Space was bustling with more than 150 students and staff feasting their eyes on the many stalls available across the 3 hours. Students had the opportunity to become familiar with the building itself, and ask questions concerning where everything was and what societies and volunteering opportunities are available for them during their studies. 

Student voices

We sat down with some of the student societies involved, to hear their thoughts on how they feel the Welcome Week Fair went. Here is what some of them had to say:

I thoroughly enjoyed the SLSJ Welcome Fair. It was a pleasure to meet new and returning students, especially those who were enthusiastic about getting involved with the Bar Society! It’s great to be back on campus and getting involved with new projects. Thank you to the SLSJ for organising a great event and providing refreshments! Elizabeth Shanks, Bar Society

Being on the SSPC Society stall as part of SLSJ’s own Welcome Week Fair was a brilliant experience. It allowed us committee members to promote our space to SSPC students and interact with them on a one-to-one basis – it’s made us feel more connected to our members! We had so many new students join which has allowed our society to expand. Freshers said to us they felt relieved finding out through the Welcome Week Fair there was a space for them to make friends with their course mates! The day went smoothly thanks to the amazing staff, and we are so grateful! Charlie, Academic Sec for the SSPC Society

SSPC Students at the Welcome Week Fair

Last week we attended the Welcome Week Fair representing the Advocacy Society. It was great to meet and talk to the new 1st year students and returning 2nd and 3rd year law students. We found it was a great opportunity to share the amazing socials and events the society has planned for this year and also hear opinions on what students are most looking forward to. We feel that attending the welcome week fair was extremely beneficial as it increased our society members and also Instagram followers, which was great news which meant that more students will be aware of our future events and announcements. We look forward to the upcoming academic year ahead! Advocacy Society

Following the success of the day and after receiving such positive feedback from all those involved, we envisage an increase in student participation in the range of societies available to them, and a clearer understanding of the facilities and services accessible as they continue their studies with us in the School of Law and Social Justice.