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Conference: Policing Domestic Abuse - COVID to VAWG

Posted on: 5 July 2022 by Dr. Jane Richardson and Barry Godfrey in Blog

A banner image responding to domestic abuse
Reference: UnSplash

Last week, Blackburne House played host to the Policing Domestic Abuse: Covid to VAWG two day conference, organised by Dr Jane Richardson and Professor Barry Godfrey. Here is a little introduction on the project and what went on.

The Shadow Pandemic

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, more emerging data and reports from those on the front lines show that all types of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence, has escalated. Now referred to as The Shadow Pandemic, this phrase encapsulates the consequences of Covid-19 isolation restrictions on domestic abuse. In this two day event, mutiple talks and ideas emerged that aligned to the investigations made into how criminal justice agencies in England and Wales responded to domestic abuse, during and after the Lockdown periods. 

Responding to Policing Domestic Abuse: Covid to VAWG 

Following an opening talk by Professor Sandra Walklate on 'Covid-19, policing and violence against women', speakers from police forces and universities across the country then gave talks on finding new ways to support domestic abuse victims. The day was filled with insightful discussions and innovative ideas from all. 

A photo showing those attending the policing domestic abuse conference

We also welcomed Assistant professor Kwak from Chungnam National University and Dr Boyoung Nam from Yonsei University in South Korea who both presented papers on domestic abuse in South Korea, and the victimisation of North Korean refugee women.

In response to the event, Professor Barry Godfrey said:

“the discussions between police and academics over the last two days had been invaluable and that there would now be regular meetings set up to exchange ideas and policies"

These two days proved to be a great success, and we look forward to hosting more in future.