Studying Arabic

Arabic is the official language of the 22 countries that form the Arab League. There are more than 300 million Arabic speakers across the world, though they predominantly live in the region stretching across the Middle East and North Africa.

Module details

Module fee (if you wish to take this course as an extra-curricular activity)

  • £190 


  • 12 weeks

Please note - All OL language modules are delivered on campus and students must choose which group they wish to attend. 

To check what level you should be enrolling upon click here

Back to: Languages

    ARABX901 - Arabic Beginners 1

    Choose this course if

    • You have no knowledge of the language at all.

    Equivalent language level (CEFR)

    • Beginners - A1

    Start Date:

    • Tuesday 1 October

    Start Time:

    • 6-8pm

    ARAB902 – Arabic Beginners 2

    Choose this module if

    • Have completed a 40 hour course equivalent to A1 CEFR
    • Completed one year of Arabic at School level
    • The ability to hold a very basic conversation in Arabic about yourself (work,studies, hobbies), asking basic questions and understanding the answers.

    Equivalent Language Level (CEFR)

    • Beginners - A1.2

    Start Date:

    • Wednesday 2 October

    Start Time:

    • 6-8pm

    ARABX902 – Arabic Beginners 3

    Choose this course if

    You have studied the language formally for one course only - approximately 60 hours, or up to GCSE. 

    Equivalent Language Level (CEFR)

    • Intermediate (GCSE equivalent) - A2.1

    Start Date:

    • Thursday 3 October

    Start Time:

    • 6-8pm