"mi pequeño gran samurai" blog posts

My Little Samurai – The Story of the Boy Who Didn’t LiveTrans activist Ekai Lersundi

My Little Samurai – The Story of the Boy Who Didn’t Live

“I remember that day”, said one of Ekai’s fellow trans activists who Athanasia (Nancy) Francis, PhD candidate in Hispanic Studies, collaborates with in her research, recounting the events of 15th February 2018. “I was in class, had my phone on vibration, and the notifications on our Whatsapp group just kept coming non-stop. My friends’ profile pictures were turned black. I had a feeling that something bad was happening- something really bad. I left class and called a friend to find out. I just couldn’t believe it…” Ekai had taken his own life at the age of 16.

Posted on: 9 November 2020