Pengnan Lu receives PhD degree

Pengnan Lu, former LA³NET Fellow hosted by HZDR (Germany) has made a successful PhD dissertation defense on 31st March 2017 at TU-Dresden. The defense started with two oral examinations on laser physics and plasma physics, and was followed by a presentation on “optimization of an SRF gun for high bunch charge applications at ELBE” and questions from committee members and the audience.
In his PhD thesis, Dr. Lu has presented optimizations of an SRF gun for the ELBE radiation centre. A simulation tool has been developed for ELBE, but the method also contributes to the linear accelerator research in general. Optimized operation parameters have been provided for high bunch charge user experiments. Experimentally, a 200 pC CW electron beam has been generated and transported with negligible beamless into the ELBE beamline. As the first SRF gun in the world to be used for user operations, the ELBE SRF gun has been applied for generating neutron and THz radiations. More beam time on Compton scattering has also been scheduled. Dr. Lu’s thesis focuses on improving the SRF gun for specific application and making it serve better for the future of the ELBE centre.
Dr. Pengnan Lu would like to acknowledge the memorable support from the LA3NET program and he is very happy to share this news with the LA3NET community.