First PhD completed within LA³NET!

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LA³NET Fellow Rui Pan submitted his PhD thesis a few months ago and recently had his viva voce examination. The examiners recommended only minor amendments and decided Rui to be awarded the PhD degree once the thesis is resubmitted.

Rui’s thesis `Electro-optic diagnostic techniques for the CLIC linear collider’ describes a bunch profile  monitor, based on electro-optic spectral decoding (EOSD), and implemented in the CLIC Test Facility 3 at CERN. In his thesis Rui compares the measurement results from the EO monitor with the measurements by coherent transition radiation on streak camera. He studies the measurement on bunch charge dependence and he presents how he managed to retrieve the Coulomb field strength from the measurements. Timing resolution of the bunch profile monitor is also studied in both theory and numerical calculation.

More scientific details of the thesis will be included in the next LA³NET newsletter.

Congratulations, Rui!