LA³NET fellows in the classroom

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Before the school year was over the LA3NET fellows actively contributed to sharing the passion for science with school children from different countries.

Cheng Chang from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology visited a class of sixth graders at the European School in Karlsruhe, Germany to talk about his project. For the kids it was an interesting and practical alternative to regular classes. They did not hesitate to ask him questions about the speed of electrons, the uses of gamma rays or the energy costs of a large research facility. ‘Although the topic of particle accelerators will not be taught until next year, the pupils got a first impression of this research field’ said Nils Franke, physics teacher at the ESKA and a former scientist at DESY in Hamburg.

The fellows from GANIL, Lara Hijazi and Jose Luis Henares visited the Jacques Prévert school in Verson, France to talk with school children aged 12 -15 about their work at GANIL and personal experience of moving abroad to do research. The visit of Lara and Jose was organized within the Club Europa project which provides complementary training for school children. It is organized by the Conseil Général du Calvados and involves several education institutions. One of the topics of year 2015 is European mobility, so Lara and Jose were invited to share their life and work experiences. During their visit they also discussed such topics as diversity of languages, advantages of mobility and prospects of the integrated Europe.